This script is a helper script to download Arlo videos. There are still some problems, but I think it is acceptable to use. Installing Selenium and Chromedriver might pull some of your hair off.
- Splinter is using forground Web browser access: Which means, it might not work if you are manipulating your machine when this script is running.
- No strict login checking: Login might not work, but you wouldn't know.
- No checking for completing downloads: It just waits for 5 seconds and hope it has done in time.
If you have good idea to improve these things, please contact me. I would greatly appreciate.
- Python 2.7
- Splinter (
- Chromedriver (
- webdriver (
Prepare a cloud storage service. I used Google Photos here.
python {userId} {password} -d {download folder} -u {upload folder}
# Sample
python [email protected] yourpassword -d ~Downloads -u "~/Google Photos"
This basically says "Hey script. Download all yesterday's Videos with my credential. You can find them in 'Downloads' folder. Move them to '/Google Photos' folder."
I couldn't find an easy way for doing this BACKGROUND yet. If I could, I would be happy. I tried to pass their authentication system with urllib2. Apparently there are some tricks for their authentication system, I keep getting BAD REQUEST errors. I felt like that I'm wasting time, so I would go for easier solution.
Thank you.