Hi. I am Maina Mwangi 👋
I am a Software Engineer from Nairobi, Kenya. I am currently working at Stream4Tech. I mainly work with ReactJS & VueJS frameworks for FrontEnd development and JavaScript & Python for BackEnd Development. Database proficiency in MySQL, Postgre SQL & MongoDB. I utilize these technologies to develop software systems and improve the existing ones.
🌱 I'm currently learning TypeScript, Nextjs and Tailwind CSS.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on projects that want to bring change to the world in a positive way. Projects that will make the lives of Earthians better 😄.
🤔 I’m looking for open source projects or projects I can contribute to. I am open to any JS project that brings change.
📫 Reach me on LinkedIn, Mail and Twitter and lets talk about tech.
Software Engineer
CoolR Group
- Nairobi - Kenya
- @MainaMwangiy
- in/mainamwangiy