If the law is violated with it's use, this would be the responsibility of the user who handled it.. Ivam3 is not responsible for the misuse that can be given to everything that this laboratory entails
To get help about how to use it join to irc chat in i-Haklab command :
$ i-Haklab weechat
To report some issues join to >> https://t.me/Ivam3_Bot
- i-Haklab is a hacking laboratory for Termux that contains open source tools for pentesting, scan/find vulnerabilities, explotation and post-explotation recommended by Ivam3 with automation hacking commands and many guides and tutorials to learn use it. i-Haklab use oh my fish insteractive shell, to get help about its use going to >> https://fishshell.com/docs/current/tutorial.html.
i-Haklab will ......
check if your android device has some root, if so, it will install the sudo command.
check if termux has permission to access the external memory, thus, in there it will create a directory called 'tools' and there will install the tools and/or frameworks. otherwise they will be installed in the directory /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/tools. By the way, in case of Termux is installed in a second partition of your external memory those will be in /data/sdext2/data/com.termux/files/use/share/tools.
i-Haklab has more than 80 tools of which only the main ones are installed (15) with a total weight of 3.9GB. -DoS-A-Tool -ExiF -Binchecker -Blackbox -Crunch -Torvpn -Tmate -Evilurl -Translate -Metasploit -EMBED -Java -Hydra -XHydra -Wireshark -Nmap -H8mail -Objection So, you can see the list of all tools available under the command:
]> i-Haklab list
The rest of the tools can be installed or uninstalled by:
]> i-Haklab install/remove <name of tools>
Either install or uninstall all at once:
]> i-Haklab install/remove alltools
Once tools/frameworks installation ended the OMF shell configuration will the next. on it, i-Haklab will activate the OMF shell, and you will notice it when a welcome message to the new shell appears ... when this happens you will have to wait 2min and execute the command "exit "for the continuation of its installation.
At the end of its installation you will only have to restart Termux and it will show an loggin screen asking you for the access key, which by default will be "Ivam3byCinderella", and can be modified from its configuration menu that is shown when using "IbyC" as the access key.
There are several commands in i-Haklab that facilitate the use of Termux:
i-Haklab: it is the main command that helps to update and use i-Haklab with automations of various processes such as the installation/uninstallation of tools, visualization of user guides for the tools, download of hacking books, access to the community tutorials, payload creation automation, metaploit handler activation, brute force attacks among others.
run: facilitates the execution of all external tools adapted to Termux by i-Haklab. Termux natives such as nmap run directly.
LOCALHOST: returns the private ip of your local network
omf theme name-of-theme: change the shell theme.
tornvpn: enable tor connection by proxychains4.
sudo some-commands: run commands as fake root user.
serverphp: activates the php server.
serverapache: activates the apache server.
postgresql start / stop / restart: enables stops and restarts the metasploit database.
traductor: init a shell to traslate any text.
vncserver: init a GUI client-server.
vncserver kill :1: kill the client-server.
IbyC-fixer: we know that each Android is different and this can generate various errors in the installation processes of ruby gems, python modules, among others. And this command is the i-Haklab solver that automates the solving processes.
lock: Block the termux screen and it will only be unlocked with said password or answering the security question. It is worth mentioning that these access codes are encrypted for your security.
IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server networking model. Under the command we will find the argument, with which you can join the official IRC Ivam3byCinderella where u can contact another i-Haklab.
**** If you want to suggest some tool, do it in the section of suggestions of community bot in https://t.me/Ivam3_Bot
- Aprende html
- Chema alonso coleccion
- Comandos basicos linux
- Cracking sin secretos
- Conviertete en hacker by incube2
- Ethical hacking
- Hacking con python
- Hacking etico 101
- Hacking mexico seguridadofensiva nv.1
- Hacking the hacker
- Manual hacking dispositivos moviles
- Metasploit para pentesters
- My sql
- Nmap by computaxion
- Programa en C
- Programa en C++
- Programa en bash
- Programacion en perl
- Programacion en php
- Programacion en ruby
- Python para todos
**** If you want to suggest some book do it in the section of suggestions of my bot in https://t.me/Ivam3_Bot
i-Haklab is constantly updating tools and improvements. To stay updated you just have to run:
]> i-Haklab update