yet another teachermate helper
- Multi-mode sign-in support: normal, GPS and QR code
- System-level notification support (test on windows 10 & macOS & gnome)
- Active development
Docker support
Simply download the latest release.
or you can build on your own.
yarn install
yarn build
Edit your config.json
"interval": 3000, // 轮询间隔
// 用于 GPS 签到(火星坐标)
"lat": 30.511227, // 纬度
"lon": 114.41021, // 经度
// 用于二维码签到
"shortUrl": true, // 生成更小的二维码,但会增加延时
"name": "张三" // 微助教用户名,判断签到是否成功
Get your openId
from WeChat official account 微助教服务号
. Notice that openId
will expire after thousands of requests or another entrace from WeChat.
Run the script, then paste your openId
into console:
yarn start
or with environments:
env OPEN_ID=${your openId} yarn start
For normal & GPS sign-in, the process is automatic.
For QR code sign-in, you're expected to scan a generated QR code manually from your console. The script WILL EXIT INSTANTLY when success, because a QR scan via WeChat causes the update of openId
. You have to reacquire your new openId
and run this scirpt again!
👤 maniacata
- Website:
- Github: @ManiaciaChao
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