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Google's officially supported Node.js client library for accessing Google APIs. Support for authorization and authentication with OAuth 2.0, API Keys and JWT (Service Tokens) is included.
Example of how to Migrate 1M items from MongoDB to Postgres in just a few minutes using Node.js child process
Módulo PagSeguro/PagBank para Magento 2 (via Connect)
Linguagem de programação 100% em português baseada em TypeScript, independente de sistema operacional e dispositivo, e suporte a múltiplos dialetos.
Challenge for fullstack developer candidates
A public list of open-source challenges from jobs around the world
Conceitos do livro "Clean Code" adaptados para TypeScript
Este repositório Git contém uma coleção de meus primeiros projetos como desenvolvedor front-end. Esses projetos refletem minha jornada inicial no aprendizado e na aplicação das tecnologias fundamen…
This is a notifications microservice that allows you to send real-time alerts to your application or platform users.
Minimalistic project template to jump start a Node.js back-end application in TypeScript. ESLint, Vitest and type definitions included.
A delightful way to building a RESTful API with NodeJs & TypeScript by @w3tecch
✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
Projeto desenvolvido durante minha formação como Desenvolvedor Web na Trybe.
Conceitos de Código Limpo adaptados em JavaScript (Tradução PT-BR)
Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
A Developer Roadmap to becoming a Node.js developer in 2019
A Collection of application ideas which can be used to improve your coding skills.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
📚 Freely available programming books
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.