Releases: MarioCatuogno/PanzaUI
Releases · MarioCatuogno/PanzaUI
🛠️ Addon
- Fixed Action Bar behaviour after patch 11.0.5
- Removed the "hide UI while taxing" feature
- Update TOC to newest patch
⌨️ Macros
- Added Druid macros for Balance spec [#67]
- Added Hunter macros for Beast Mastery spec [#39]
- Added Hunter macros for Marksmanship spec [#65]
- Added Priest macros for Discipline spec [#66]
- Added Warrior macros for Protection spec [#35]
- Update Mage macros
- Update Monk macros
- Update Priest macros
- Update Shaman macros
👤 Profiles
- BlizzUI - Moved the Vehicle button
- Cell - Adjusted Raid Frame position
- Details - Increased combat update to 2.5 seconds
- Details - Removed the end panel after M+
- Plater - Updated NPC Color profile from Jundies's profile (link here)
- WA All Classes - Adjusted the Cooldown group aura position
- WA Druid - Added Buffs, Cooldowns and Healer group auras [#67]
- WA Hunter - Added Buffs and Cooldowns group auras for Beast Mastery spec [#39]
- WA Hunter - Added Buffs and Cooldowns group auras for Marksmanship spec [#65]
- WA Monk - Added a Buff aura to track Flurry Strikes
- WA Monk - Added a Buff aura to track Ox Stance
- WA Monk - Adjusted order of some Buff auras
- WA Monk - Changed the purpose of Cooldowns group auras. Now it tracks the cooldowns of abilities longer of 1 minute
- WA Monk - Fixed a bug with Combo Strike aura
- WA Priest - Added Buffs and Cooldowns group auras for Discipline spec [#66]
- WA Shaman - Changed the purpose of Cooldowns group auras. Now it tracks the cooldowns of abilities longer of 1 minute
- WA Utilities - Added a new aura for Marksmanship Hunter to dismiss pet in case of Lone Wolf talent
- WA Utilities - Added a new Racing Timer for Skyriding races
- WA Utilities - Added new movements for Druid class
- WA Utilities - Added new movements for Hunter class
- WA Utilities - Added new movements for Warrior class
- WA Utilities - Added Valorstone tracker
- WA Utilities - Adjusted the Movement group aura position
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with the Boss cast bar
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with the Low Mana alert
- WA Utilities - Fixed the function to automatically hide some Quest Tracker frames while in combat in Dungeon/Raids
- WA Utilities - Removed animation for Boss cast bar
- WA Utilities - Removed tracking for Health and Mana potions
- WA Warrior - Added Buffs and Cooldowns group auras for Protection spec [#35]
📏 Various
- Reduced the size of all PDFs containing the macros of the various classes
- Updated documentation to the latest version of UI
- Updated screenshots to the latest version of UI
⌨️ Macros
- Added Priest macros for Holy spec [#38]
- Update Mage macros for Frost spec
- Update Shaman macros for Restoration spec
👤 Profiles
- BigWigs - Adjusted alpha to 0 for Nameplate icons
- BigWigs - Adjusted font settings for Messages
- BlizzUI - Resized the Buffs/Debuffs frame
- WA Mage - Fixed a bug with Icicles tracking aura
- WA Monk - Fixed strata for Healer auras
- WA Priest - Added Buffs, Cooldowns and Healer group auras [#38]
- WA Shaman - Fixed strata for Healer auras
- WA Utilities - Added a new Cast Bar aura for Bosses
- WA Utilities - Added a tracker for Healthstones, Health and Mana potions
- WA Utilities - Added new alerts for Priest class
- WA Utilities - Added new movements for Priest class
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with Combat Timer aura in Alert group
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with the Skyriding crosshair during races
- WA Utilities - Fixed some mispelling in Alert group
- WA Utilities - Fixed the function to automatically hide some Quest Tracker frames while in combat in Dungeon/Raids
- WA Utilities - Improved performance removing unnecessary Model from Cast Bar auras
- WA Utilities - Updated the Interrupt Tracker to the latest version of this
📏 Various
- Updated documentation to the latest version of UI
⌨️ Macros
- Updated Mage macros for Frost spec
- Updated Shaman macros for Elemental spec [#32]
👤 Profiles
- BigWigs - Removed all Nameplates icon auras for all TWW Dungeons
- BigWigs - Resized Messages frame
- BlizzUI - Adjusted frames to get more space in the center of the screen [#56]
- Cell - Adjusted frames to get more space in the center of the screen [#56]
- Plater - Added arrows to Target nameplate
- Plater - Adjusted Plater Top and Bottom lock to screen to 0.08
- Plater - Changed NPC Color profile from Quazii to Jundies (link here)
- Plater - Changed the size of Special Buff
- Plater - Changed the size of Target nameplate
- Plater - Removed Quest Icon on nameplates
- SUF - Adjusted frames to get more space in the center of the screen [#56]
- WA Mage - Changed anchor for Buffs aura (now it's anchored to Action Bar 5)
- WA Mage - Fixed some bugs in Buffs aura
- WA Monk - Changed anchor for Buffs aura (now it's anchored to Action Bar 5)
- WA Paladin - Changed anchor for Buffs aura (now it's anchored to Action Bar 5)
- WA Shaman - Added auras for Elemental specialization [#32]
- WA Shaman - Changed anchor for Buffs aura (now it's anchored to Action Bar 5)
- WA Utilities - Added a function to automatically hide some Quest Tracker frames while in combat in Dungeon/Raids
- WA Utilities - Added new Alerts for Delves to track Brann's experience and number of Coffer Keys available
- WA Utilities - Adjusted frames to get more space in the center of the screen [#56]
- WA Utilities - Adjusted size and position ot Interrupt tracker aura
- WA Utilities - Changed anchor for Alert auras (should work with different monitor resolution)
- WA Utilities - Changed anchor for Cast Bar auras (now it's anchored to Player Cast Bar frame)
- WA Utilities - Cleanup some unnecessary auras to improve performance
- WA Utilities - Fixed cooldown text position in Movement tracker aura
- WA Utilities - Fixed the trigger for Elite/Rares icon on nameplates
- WA Utilities - Removed Health text for SUF frames (using custom Tag instead)
- WA Utilities - Removed Right and Left arrow of Nameplates
📏 Various
- Updated documentation to the latest version of UI
🛠️ Addon
- Added an option to anchor tooltips to mouse cursor (disabled by default)
- Added icon to PanzaUI addon
- Code cleanup
- Removed automatic spell addition to Action Bars
⌨️ Macros
- Update the Mage PDF with the new layout configuration of Action Bars [#45]
- Update the Paladin PDF with the new layout configuration of Action Bars [#45]
- Updated Shaman macros for Restoration spec
👤 Profiles
- BigWigs - Moved Messages frame
- BlizzUI - Moved various frames
- Cell - Moved Raid frame position
- Plater - Added a new Plater profile (based on this one by Quazii)
- SUF - Added a custom tag for health percentage for Player, Target and Boss frames
- SUF - Adjusted border size of various frames
- SUF - Adjusted Boss and Arena frames position and text size
- SUF - Adjusted cast bar for Boss frames
- SUF - Disabled Focus cast bar
- Threat Plates - Removed the profile (switched to Plater)
- WA Mage - Added some new Cooldown auras for Frost specialization
- WA Paladin - Added Buffs and Cooldowns for Retribution specialization [#48]
- WA Paladin - Changed the order of Buffs group
- WA Utilities - Added a central Cast Bar that shows only in combat
- WA Utilities - Added a text for Health on Nameplates
- WA Utilities - Added an automation to hide Quest Tracker while in combat in Party/Raid
- WA Utilities - Added an Elite/Boss/Rare icon on Nameplate
- WA Utilities - Added an Interrupt tracker based on this
- WA Utilities - Adjusted border size of various frames
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with CR aura in Alert group
📏 Various
- Removed unnecessary files
- Updated all Saved Variables files
- Updated documentation to the latest version of UI
- Updated screenshots to the latest version of UI
🛠️ Addon
- Changed settings for Friendly Unit nameplates
- Fixed a bug on Nameplate texture
- Fixed LUA errors with unused frame
- Fixed the blink for Action Bar 4
- Reworked Action Bar configuration
- Update TOC to newest patch
⌨️ Macros
- Update the Monk PDF with the new layout configuration of Action Bars [#45]
- Update the Paladin PDF with the new layout configuration of Action Bars [#45]
- Update the Shaman PDF with the new layout configuration of Action Bars [#45]
👤 Profiles
- BigWigs - Updated settings for Nameplates
- BigWigs - Updated Voice settings
- BlizzUI - Increased the Chat frame size
- BlizzUI - Moved various frames
- BlizzUI - Overhauled the Action Bar layout (check here for the reason behind the new layout)
- BlizzUI - Resized Quest Tracker frame
- Cell - Added a new Cell addon profile
- Details - Changed automation rules
- Details - Changed update interval to 1 second
- Details - Reskin the windows to be more coherent with SUF frames and the rest of UI
- MouseoverActionSettings - Changed bar order
- SUF - Moved Boss frames
- SUF - Resized Pet frame
- Threat Plates - Added missing Monk debuffs
- Threat Plates - Changed layout for Debuffs aura on target
- Threat Plates - Changed settings for Cast Bar
- Threat Plates - Changed settings for Headline View
- Threat Plates - Changed transparency settings for various nameplates
- Threat Plates - Fixed some settings
- WA - Modified the animation for all the profiles
- WA Mage - Removed Rotation group
- WA Monk - Added a Detox spell tracker to Healer group
- WA Monk - Adjusted some WA appearances in Healer group
- WA Monk - Removed Alert group
- WA Monk - Removed Rotation group
- WA Paladin - Removed Alert group
- WA Paladin - Removed Rotation group
- WA Shaman - Added a Purify Spirit spell tracker to Healer group
- WA Shaman - Adjusted some WA appearances in Healer group
- WA Shaman - Fixed a bug with Healing Rain spell tracker
- WA Shaman - Moved the Cooldowns frame
- WA Utilities - Added a crosshair icon for Skyriding races
- WA Utilities - Added a low mana alert for healers
- WA Utilities - Added a new Skyriding Vigor charges aura
- WA Utilities - Added a party Healer mana alert
- WA Utilities - Disabled bottom clock
- WA Utilities - Fixed a bug with 2D portraits for Player and Target frames
- WA Utilities - Fixed the Cast Bar for SUF
- WA Utilities - Fixed the memory leak for FPS aura
- WA Utilities - Fixed the position and length of text on Player and Target cast bars
- WA Utilities - Fixed the Skyfury alert for Shaman
- WA Utilities - Moved the Movement buff auras
- WA Utilities - Moved the Skyriding auras group under the SUF player frame
- WA Utilities - Updated Raid Ability Timeline aura
- WA Utilities - Removed Cast Bar animation
📏 Various
- Removed Raid Frame Settings profile
IMPORTANT: Temporarely disabled many functions due to TWW patch.
🛠️ Addon
- Cleaned up the code of core addon
- Fixed blink of GCD on Stance Bar [#36]
- Hide alerts from default UI
- Update TOC to newest patch
⌨️ Macros
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Hunter (WIP) [#39]
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Paladin (WIP) [#29]
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Priest (WIP) [#38]
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Warrior (WIP) [#35]
- Updated the PDF containing keybinds and macros for Restoration Shaman [#41]
- Updated the PDF containing keybinds and macros for Monk
👤 Profiles
- BigWigs - Added Big Wigs profile
- BlizzUI - Added Action Bars for spell rotation
- BlizzUI - Added Stance Bar to layout
- BlizzUI - Aligned Raid and Party frames
- Details - Changed to auto-erase data
- Details - Removed Encounter timer
- MouseoverActionSettings - Added Stance Bar to mouseover, under the Player frame
- MouseoverActionSettings - Fixed some bugs
- RFS - Added Priest filters
- RFS - Fixed some bugs
- RFS - Major overhaul of buffs/debuffs filter after last update of addon
- RFS - Modified Role icon and buffs/debuffs fonts
- SUF - Added Pet frame [#40]
- SUF - Fixed some bugs
- SUF - Removed Holy Power bar from Player frame
- Threat Plates - Added Hunter debuffs
- Threat Plates - Added Priest debuffs
- Threat Plates - Fixed some bugs
- WA Druid - Added a new Cooldown section [#30]
- WA Druid - Added a new Resources section [#30]
- WA Druid - Added a new Rotation section [#30]
- WA Dungeons - Removed the WA profile
- WA Hunter - Added a new Cooldown section [#39]
- WA Hunter - Added a new Resources section [#39]
- WA Hunter - Added a new Rotation section [#39]
- WA Mage - Updated Buff section
- WA Monk - Added a new Alert section
- WA Monk - Removed Rotation section
- WA Monk - Updated Buff section
- WA Paladin - Added a new Paladin profile (WIP) [#29]
- WA Priest - Added a new Priest profile (WIP) [#38]
- WA Shaman - Added a new Alerts section [#32]
- WA Shaman - Added a new Buffs section [#32]
- WA Shaman - Added a new Cooldown section [#32]
- WA Shaman - Added a new Healer section [#41]
- WA Utilities - Added Battle Shout to Alerts to track missing buffs for Warrior
- WA Utilities - Added Devotion Aura to Alerts to track missing buffs for Paladin
- WA Utilities - Added various Alerts to track missing buffs for Shaman
- WA Utilities - Changed the max level to 80 to keep track of XP
- WA Utilities - Fixed various bugs
- WA Utilities - Updated Clock
- WA Warrior - Added a new Warrior profile (WIP) [#35]
📏 Various
- Updated HOW TO INSTALL documentation
What's Changed
- 0.7.0-RELEASE by @MarioCatuogno in #28
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...0.7.0
🛠️ Addon
- Added Cast Bar configuration option
- Added Quality of Life features option
- Added Raid Frames configuration option
- Added Slash command "/panzaui" to open the Addon panel
- Added Various Frames configuration option
- Fixed Chat Button frame
- Fixed Resource Bar frame
- Hide Addon icon in Minimap
- Hide Encounter Bar frame
- Hide Tracker icon in Minimap
- Increased the size of the Clock button
- Increased the size of the Minimap text
- Modified Nameplate CVars to better fit the screen
- Moved Minimap text aligning it to the Calendar icon
- Optimized the code (now using less than 60KB of memory)
- Removed Queue Icon configuration option
- Reskin Nameplate's healthbar
- Reskin Tooltip's healthbar
- Revamped Add-on window in-game to better show the various options
⌨️ Macros
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Druid (WIP)
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Mage (WIP)
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Monk
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Rogue (WIP)
- Added a PDF containing keybinds and macros for Shaman (WIP)
- Added macros for Druid (WIP)
- Added macros for Mage (WIP)
- Added macros for Rogue (WIP)
- Added macros for Shaman (WIP)
- Updated macros for Monk
👤 Profiles
- BlizzUI - Adjusted Action Bar frame position
- BlizzUI - Adjusted Raid and Party frames position
- BlizzUI - Moved Cast Bar frame
- BlizzUI - Moved Extra Abilities frame
- BlizzUI - Moved Loot Window frame
- BlizzUI - Moved Quest Tracker frame
- BlizzUI - Moved Talking Head frame
- BlizzUI - Moved Tooltip frame
- BlizzUI - Removed dual profile for Blizzard UI. Merged into one single profile for either Tank/DPS/Healer
- Details - Changed Bars texture
- Details - Changed Title Bar texture
- MouseoverActionSettings - Added profile for the addon Mouseover Action Settings, used to mouseover some action bars
- RFS - Removed unnecessary Buffs to Raid Frames
- SUF - Added Arena frames
- SUF - Total overhaul of various frames
- Threat Plates - Changed Filtered Auras method from Allow to Block
- Threat Plates - Fixed Level text position
- Threat Plates - Fixed Threat Plates profile to only show personal debuffs
- WA Druid - Moved Buff auras to better integrate in the new layout
- WA Druid - Re-organized Buff auras order
- WA Dungeons & Raids - Added Raid Ability Timeline
- WA Dungeons & Raids - Removed icon border
- WA Dungeons & Raids - Various tuning
- WA Mage - Added a new Mage profile (WIP)
- WA Monk - Added a new Cooldown section
- WA Monk - Added a new Resources section
- WA Monk - Added a new Rotation section
- WA Monk - Moved Buff auras to better integrate in the new layout
- WA Monk - Re-organized Buff auras order
- WA Monk - Removed Serenity Buff aura
- WA Monk - Removed Summon White Tiger Statue aura
- WA Rogue - Re-organized Buff auras order
- WA Shaman - Added Buff auras for Enhancement Shaman
- WA Shaman - Moved Buff auras to better integrate in the new layout
- WA Shaman - Re-organized Buff auras order
- WA Utilities - Added Arcane Intellect to Alerts to track missing buffs for Mage
- WA Utilities - Added Cast Bars for Player and Target frames (SUF is mandatory)
- WA Utilities - Added Cloak of Coordination to Alerts
- WA Utilities - Added for Blizzard Cast Bar to show an icon and the casting time
- WA Utilities - Added Great Vault to Alerts
- WA Utilities - Added Nameplates target arrows
- WA Utilities - Added Poisons to Alerts to track missing poisons for Rogue
- WA Utilities - Added Skyriding bar and buffs
- WA Utilities - Added XP information in %
- WA Utilities - Fixed loading condition for Alerts
- WA Utilities - Hide Quest Tracker while in Raid/Party encounter
- WA Utilities - Moved Movement buffs/cooldown tracker from Class to Utilities
- WA Utilities - Moved Raid Ability Timeline
- WA Utilities - Re-organized Buff auras order
- WA Utilities - Removed mouse trails
- WA Utilities - Removed old Events tracker
📏 Various
- Added SUF auras list for buffs/debuffs
- Updated SavedVariables
- Updated talents for Monk
- Updated TOC version
- Added WA portraits for Player and Target frames
- Changed SUF textures
- Updated Blizzard profiles for DPS/Tank and Healer
- Switched from Immersion to DialogueUI
- Reworked core.lua removing unused functions and polishing the code
- Updated SavedVariables
- Updated TOC version
- Add options.lua file with Interface panel
- Reworked core.lua adding functions
- Updated SavedVariables
- Updated TOC version
- Updated TOC version
- Fixed the WA trigger for Haste Buff
- Updated ThreatPlates profile