REST job server for Apache Spark
Notes talking about the design and implementation of Apache Spark
Hyperledger Fabric is an enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework for developing solutions and applications. Its modular and versatile design satisfies a broad range of industry u…
The Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
Next Generation of ShadowsocksX
Code of my MOOC Course <Play with Machine Learning Algorithms>. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《Python3 入门机器学习》示例代码。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。
Weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
Codes of my MOOC Course <Play with Algorithms>, Both in C++ and Java language. Updated contents and practices are also included. 我在慕课网上的课程《算法与数据结构》示例代码,包括C++和Java版本。课程的更多更新内容及辅助练习也将逐步添加进这个代码仓。
a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to internationalize your web site.
java版微信工具,更为优雅的第三方开发常用工具包,让开发微信登录,三方支付就像填表格一样简单。重构成spring boot starter,项目结构和代码也做了优化。主要用了泛型和抽象类进行重构(正在重构中...只剩支付宝支付)
MarkGao11520 / spring-cloud-microservices-development
Forked from waylau/spring-cloud-microservices-developmentspring-cloud-microservices-development
Contains the code used in the HBase: The Definitive Guide book.
Spring Boot教程