Implement the following business requirement
- Users must be able to create write or read access for payments and savings accounts
- Users need to be able to retrieve a list of accounts they have read or write access for
The application is secured using an OAuth Bearer token (JWT), basic validation of the token is done using a stubbed JWKS store. It is assumed further validation of the JWT is performed by an API gateway, and a real JWKS store can be configured in application.yaml.
- AccountNumber is globally unique across all accounts (IBAN)
- Account type is irrelevant to POA grants but to demonstrate different accounts have differing fields in the resulting responses
- Added NONE as an auth type to preserve audit log and allow removal of Authorization
- Account list ONLY includes accounts wit PoA, not accounts owned by self
- PoA can only be granted by account holder, not someone with PoA on that account
- Test coverage is not excellent: manual integration test UI provided instead
- Code can be cleaned up in some places (replace new ?? with builders in places)
- Mongo queries could be faster and fewer if native join queries on accounts are used
- Did not provide a Dockerfile to create image
Standard maven build and test, run the api project:
mvn clean install
cd api
mvn spring-boot:run
You can also load the project in to IntelliJ IDEA, build and run tests there.
Swagger UI is available at: http://localhost:8080/docs/swagger-ui
- Copy the RSA private key contents from the repo
- n.b. run to make new ones, keys should not normally be in source control!
- Go to, change the Encryption type to RS256 and replace the PRIVATE KEY in the box with the one above.
- Generate the GRANTER JWT: set the 'sub' claim to 'MrGranter' copy and paste the encoded JWT somewhere handy
- Generate the GRANTEE JWT: set the 'sub' claim to 'MsGrantee' copy and paste the encoded JWT somewhere handy
- Use the account API endpoint to create an account for "MrGranter".
- Go to http://localhost:8080/docs/swagger-ui
- In "account-controller" use POST
- Set an accountNumber REMEMBER THIS
- Choose accountType 'savings' or 'payment'
- Paste in the GRANTER JWT as saved in Step 1
Check it worked - use GET to list all accounts (use the same GRANTER JWT)
- In swagger UI go to "power-of-attorney" POST
- Post with GRANTER JWT, ACCONT NUMBER and grantTo: "MsGrantee" in the Authroization type READ / WRITE (or NONE)
- In swagger UI go to "power-of-attorney" GET - Enter GRANTEE JWT.
- Check the appropriate accounts is listed