一个支持多选、选原图和视频的图片选择器,同时有预览、裁剪功能,支持iOS6+。 A clone of UIImagePickerController, support picking multiple photos、original photo、video, also allow preview photo and video, support iOS6+
Model-View-ViewModel, using ReactiveCocoa
Cocoa framework and Obj-C dynamism bindings for ReactiveSwift.
Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
No more messing with plugin UUIDs; Plugins on Xcode 8+!
Modern NSURLSession based Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 8+ devices
JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally used to h…
The easiest way to add a UIActivityView to your SDWebImage view
Asynchronous image downloader with cache support as a UIImageView category
Concurrent large files downloads for iOS
A fast & simple, yet powerful & flexible logging framework for macOS, iOS, tvOS and watchOS
Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming in Objective-C and Swift.
Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating
Simple wrapper to store, load and delete items from the iOS Keychain. (Uses ARC)
A simple and beautiful chart lib used in Piner and CoinsMan for iOS
Some Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development.
MarkStray / Android_Data
Forked from Freelander/Android_DataSome Android learning materials, hoping to help you learn Android development.
A curated list of delightful iOS resources.