A plugin for Electron Forge that brings first class webpack
support to your build pipeline.
Please note this is in beta, if any webpack options don't work for some reason please raise an issue (or even better a PR).
npm i @electron-forge/plugin-webpack --save-dev
// forge.config.js
const { WebpackPlugin } = require('@electron-forge/plugin-webpack')
module.exports = {
// other config here
plugins: [new WebpackPlugin(pluginConfig)]
In order for this plugin to work correctly you need to have a few things in place
- The
field of yourpackage.json
needs to point to".webpack/main"
- Correctly configured
's, see the Renderer Setup section
Once your project is setup and the plugin added to your configuration, everything should Just Work(tm).
new WebpackPlugin({
mainConfig: {
// webpack config for main process
renderer: {
config: {
// webpack configuration for renderer processes
// Array of items to be prefixed to the "entry" array in the
// renderer webpack config. Useful for things like
// 'react-hot-loader/patch'
prefixedEntries: [],
// Array of entry points to your application, each BrowserWindow
// should require one entry point to be configured
entryPoints: [{
// Absolute path to the HTML template for this window
html: '',
// Absolute path to the JS entry point for this window
js: '',
// Name of this entry point, will be used when calling win.loadUrl
name: ''
By default the minimum possible config is defaulted inside the plugin,
this means if you are just using vanilla JS everything should work out
of the box with just a single entryPoint
In order to know where to load your renderer process from you should use the magic globals that this plugin defines in your main process.
Notice no quotes are required, the format is {entryNameInUpperCase}_WEBPACK_ENTRY