esp32-geiger-counter Public
Forked from grillbaer/esp32-geiger-counterIoT Geiger Counter with ESP32, OLED Display, Thingspeak Channel and MQTT
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 9, 2021 -
The Core Flight System (cFS) Core Flight Executive (cFE)
C Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 1, 2020 -
AI Public
Project for training of artificial neural networks in image recognition.
UpdatedJun 2, 2020 -
HC-SR04_distance_meter Public
First repository for HC-SR04 distance meter used in Raspberry Pi 4 B.
C++ UpdatedMay 21, 2020 -
griddb_nosql Public
Forked from griddb/griddbhigh performance, high scalability and high reliability database for IoT & big data
C++ UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
blog_repo Public
Forked from embeddeddevpl/blog_repoFull source codes from blog's articles
C UpdatedApr 7, 2018 -