It is said that it takes 20 hours to learn any skill. It sounds like an arbitrary number, but it will be a good starting point. WebGL is one of those skills you will need to struggle with in the beginning. To get through this you will need to be consistent and have a plan.
The plan is to struggle with WebGL for 40 minutes each day until I get to the 20-hour mark. This should take 30 days, according to the statistics.
A lot can be done with WebGL so we need some constraints. For this, I will focus mainly on images. Distortion, grids, transitions, all the good stuff. I will avoid game development and fancy particle systems(this one hurts a bit).
- Main goal, get comfortable with WebGL to be able to recreate WebGL applications I see online
- Basics of native WebGL
- Shaders (GLSL)
- 3D Math (linear algebra/geometry)
- 2D and 3D animation
- Canvas API
- WebGL renderers (Three.js and Pixi.js)
- Work every day for at least 40 minutes
- Track your time when you work
- Don't judge the direction until you see 20 hours on the tracker
- Start each session by recalling what you learned before
- Set a stretch goal for each practice