Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
The sixth version of the beloved Coding Bot
☄🌌️ The minimal, blazing-fast, and infinitely customizable prompt for any shell!
Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
An API wrapper for discord, built using aiohttp and pydantic.
⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
A browser extension that allows you to see dislikes on a youtube video after the youtube update
A python module made to make creating games easier and adds a bunch of game commands to your discord python bot
MarzaElise / holybooks
Forked from TheGenocides/holybooksAn Api Wrapper for 3 Apis.
MarzaElise / TechStruck-Bot
Forked from TechStruck/TechStruck-BotThe TechStruck discord bot made for developers
A discord bot for The Coding Academy
MarzaElise / Pycord-Manager
Forked from Dorukyum/BondA bot for the pycord Discord server
MarzaElise / vscode-ext
Forked from CodeWithSwastik/vscode.pyCreate VSCode Extensions with python
MarzaElise / Robocord
Forked from BruceCodesGithub/OG-RobocordPycord-chan for the discord server pycord
MarzaElise / jishaku
Forked from diskord-dev/jishakuA debugging and testing cog for rewrite bots.
MarzaElise / Disgames
Forked from andrewthederp/DisgamesA python module made to make creating games easier and adds a bunch of game commands to your discord python bot
This repo will contain a README with an explanation as to why the error is happening and how to fix it.
A simple API wrapper for to connect your bot and get your bot stats.
A synchronous, object oriented API wrapper for thecatapi
An API wrapper around Discord API written in Python
Robocord is a bot created for the Pycord community.
Pycord is a modern, easy to use, feature-rich, and async ready API wrapper for Discord written in Python
Source code of my bot, here for public view and as a backup for me