Here you can find a tutorial how to get started with your CANduino v4
. Please make sure that you really use the v4
, because on v3
the CS_Pin was CS_Pin 8
If you don't have a CANduino yet, you can buy one here:
On the new CANduino v4, the CAN controller and CAN transceiver are in one chip, the MCP25625, which contains both the MCP2515 and MCP2551.
Before we can start with the program it is important to check if the jumper CAN_CS
(on top next to the USB-C port) is connected to a soldering point. Only if this is connected, it is possible to address the mcp2515.
The following library must be installed before use:
If your CANduino is at the end of the CANbus chain, it is mandatory to connect the CAN_T jumper (next to the CAN connector)!
So that the mcp2515 can be addressed it is important to set the following parameters:
MCP2515 mcp2515(10);
mcp2515.setBitrate("Your Bitrate", MCP_8MHZ);
Please note that the CAN controller uses the pins D2, D10, D11, D12 and D13 and that these can accordingly not be used or only to a limited extent when the CAN bus is active!
In the examples
folder you will find two code examples with which you have the possibility to send
and receive
CAN messages.
If the CANduino is not displayed, please download the driver for the CP2102 which can be found here:
Here you can find the Dimensions and the pinout of the CANduino v4: