A Context-Free Grammar to Chomsky Normal Form
Chomsky Normal Form is a context-free grammar that has been put into a specific format. It was developed by Noam Chomsky in 1978 and is part of formal language theory.
It performs the the steps listed here to convert from the one grammar to the other.
Known inputs that work and what their outputs should be:
(Textbook used was Michael Sipser's Theory of Computation 3rd Edition)
Example of how to convert, shown on pg. 108 of textbook
S -> ASA | aB
A -> S | B
B -> b | /
gives (copied from book):
S0 -> AC | UB | a | SA | AS
S -> AC | UB | a | SA | AS
A -> b | AC | UB | a | SA | AS
C -> SA
U -> a
B -> b
Program gives:
S0 -> AC | DB | a | SA | AS
S -> AC | DB | a | SA | AS
A -> AC | DB | a | SA | AS | b
B -> b
C -> SA
D -> a
where D corresponds to U, and that is the only difference
Exercise 2.14 (page 129):
A -> BAB | B | /
B -> 00 | /
gives: (solved by University of Central Florida and displayed in a PDF of selected solutions: http://www.cs.ucf.edu/courses/cot4210/fall04/answers/hw4sol.pdf)
S0 -> BA1 | AB | BA | B1 B1 | BB | /
A -> BA1 | AB | BA | B1 B1 | BB
B -> B1B1
B1 -> 0
A1 -> AB
Execution of program gives:
S0 -> BC | AB | BA | BB | DD | /
A -> BC | AB | BA | BB | DD
B -> DD
C -> AB
D -> 0
D corresponds to B1, A1 to C.
Note: outputs from the program may not match perfectly with non-terminals used, but rules match, which is important part.