- Brasil
- Pro
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Zig build package, bindings and C API (JoltC) for https://github.com/jrouwe/JoltPhysics
JUICE is a UDP Interactive Connectivity Establishment library
A signaling server and library for ICE using libjuice
An official continuation of https://github.com/djoslin0/sm64ex-coop on sm64coopdx for the enhancements and progress it already has.
A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and other items.
A lightweight 2D physics engine written in C, for educational purposes.
An extensible emacs dashboard
Doom Like style for emacs dashboard
Pop a posframe (just a child-frame) at point, posframe is a **GNU ELPA** package!
HoloLayer is a multimedia layer plugin designed specifically for Emacs
Smooth-scrolling and minimap like sublime editor
kiennq / emacs-build
Forked from juanjosegarciaripoll/emacs-buildScripts to build a distribution of Emacs from sources, using MSYS2 and Mingw64(32)
Standard Go Project Layout
Godot Engine – Multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
A 3D pixel-art style shader with clean outlines and edge highlights.
🎮 A step-by-step guide to implementing SSAO, depth of field, lighting, normal mapping, and more for your 3D game.