This project demonstrates a Page Object builder approach enabling easy ability to add new page element locators and maintain existing locators. It's also possible to add element definitions which provides the paramters for asserting given elements within the app under test. It's easy to add new sites, pages and page objects.
Below attempts to illustrate the core file structure utilised when registering new apps, pages, objects and definitions
│ │ _Settings.robot
│ │
│ │
│ └───DataSets
│ │ │
│ │ └───ChallengingDom
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───Dev
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ MainPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───Staging
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ MainPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───UAT
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ MainPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │
│ │ └───SwagLabs
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───Dev
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ LoginPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ProductsPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ShoppingCartPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───Staging
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ LoginPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ProductsPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ShoppingCartPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───UAT
│ │ │ │ _DatasetRegistry.robot
│ │ │ │ LoginPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ProductsPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ ShoppingCartPageDefinitions.yaml
│ │ │ │ UrlRegistry.yaml
│ │ │ │ UserRegistry.yaml
│ │
│ └───PO
│ └───ObjectRegistry
│ │ └───ChallengingDom
│ │ │ │ MainPage.yaml
│ │ │
│ │ └───SwagLabs
│ │ │ LoginPage.yaml
│ │ │ ProductsPage.yaml
│ │
│ └───PageRegistry
│ │ │ _ChallengingDomVariables.robot
│ │ │ _SwagLabsVariables.robot
Variable | Description |
app3 | Dictionary containing the setting variables for core app values |
default_page | The landing page of the app, name can be personal preference but will be referenced in further stages |
dynamic_url_contains | Partial text of a dynamic url, None if App doesn't have dynamic pages |
dynamic_page_name | Name reference for dynamic page, personal preference but will be referenced in further stages |
In the below example, "ExampleApp" in get_variables() is the ${target_app} this variable can be set at command line e.g. robot -d reports -v target_app:ExampleApp -t "My Test Case" .
app3 = {
'default_page': 'MainPage',
'dynamic_url_contains': None,
'dynamic_page_name': None
def get_variables(arg):
if arg == 'SwagLabs':
return app1
elif arg == 'ChallengingDom':
return app2
elif arg == 'ExampleApp':
return app3
URL's are registered at the App -> Environment level within a Dataset, because of this, it is important that the ${target_app} and ${environment} variables match with the folder structure.
Property | Description |
BaseUrl | Takes a set of target app names as key and main url as values |
UrlsToPages | Maps page urls to a page name, page names can be personal preference but will be referenced in further stages. |
Each url key/value should be entered under target app name as below:
MainPage: BaseUrl
ExamplePage: example_page
AnotherExamplePage: hello_world.html
For registering new users. Add a login type such as Default, Locked, Invalid etc. The user names and passwords will go under the user types as per the example below.
UserName: standard_user
Password: secret_sauce
UserName: locked_out_user
Password: secret_sauce
UserName: problem_user
Password: secret_sauce
UserName: performance_glitch_user
Password: secret_sauce
Add a file e.g. _ExampleAppVariables.robot to the PageRegistry - This will contain references to yaml files (Page Object and Definition files). Note the name of the file is important, it should be prefixed with underscore followed by the target app name and suffixed with "Variables" e.g. "_${target_app}Variables.robot"
The contents of the file will reference yaml variable files for element definitions (contains a "blueprint" of the types of values to assert for specified objects) and page objects (yaml file containing locators)
The file content would look similar to this:
*** Settings ***
Variables ../ObjectRegistry/${target_app}/ExamplePage.yaml
The Object Registry is a repository containing yaml files, each yaml file is based on a page of the app and contains the page object element locators defined in various forms.
When adding a Object Registry yaml file, the directory structure is important - As seen in Register Pages section, the yaml is referenced within ../ObjectRegistry/${target_app}/ExamplePage.yaml
Therefore continuing with the example we would add a new folder ExampleApp under ObjectRegistry folder
LocatorStrategy: XPathLookup
Xpath: //input[@data-test="username"]
LocatorStrategy: WithAttribute
ElementType: input
Attribute: data-test
Name: password
LocatorStrategy | Description |
ParentReferenceWithXpathLookup | Reference a parent element as prefix - child locator directly added as xpath |
ParentReferenceWithContainsAttribute | Reference a parent element as prefix - child locator built with contains attribute |
ParentReferenceWithType | Reference a parent element as prefix - child is simply an element type |
ParentReferenceWithAttribute | Reference a parent element as prefix - child locator built with attribute |
ParentReferenceWithText | Reference a parent element as prefix - child locator built with expected text |
XPathLookup | direct xpath lookup |
WithAttribute | built with attribute |
WithText | built with expected text |
WithContainsAttribute | built with contains attribute |
SelectFromGroupByCSSProperty | References an element group and RF keyword will run to derive correct element from the group based on CCS properties |
The definition registry yaml files aim to describe the behaviour and properties/attributes of locators on a page with the intention to guide the automation in asserting page specifics in a simple, maintainable manner. The definition files are stored in datasets allowing plenty of room for scalability and enhancements.
When adding a Definition Registry yaml file, the directory structure is important. The definition files are stored in datasets which can differ at an environment level
Each of the environment directories will contain a _Definitions.robot file to import the variables from the yaml's
*** Settings ***
Variables ExamplePageDefinitions.yaml
Variables AnotherExamplePageDefinitions.yaml
ElementCountShouldBe: 1
ElementCountShouldBe: 1
ElementCountShouldBe: 1
ElementCountShouldBe: 1
- standard_user
- locked_out_user
- problem_user
- performance_glitch_user
ElementCountShouldBe: 1
- Accepted usernames are
Note that locator attribute should be named the same as the object in the ObjectRegistry
LocatorStrategy: XPathLookup
Xpath: //input[@data-test="username"]
ElementCountShouldBe: 1