- Ottawa, CA
leet-clodejure Public
Manually translating LeetCode problems and test cases to Clojure
Clojure Eclipse Public License 2.0 UpdatedJan 8, 2025 -
BookSearch Public
Application for viewing and searching inside books
Saves a "persistent bank" for Lucky! Golden Cookies, so you can actually spend your hard-earned cookies.
lein-monolith Public
Forked from amperity/lein-monolithLeiningen plugin for working with monorepos.
sl_ascend Public
Forked from soolar/sl_ascendAn ascension script for kolmafia
circleci-docs Public
Forked from circleci/circleci-docsDocumentation for CircleCI.
leiningen Public
Forked from technomancy/leiningenAutomate Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.
lein-protoc Public
Forked from bsima/lein-protocLeiningen Plugin for Compiling Google Protocol Buffers
slackstatus Public
A script for setting your Slack status built on top of Lumo.
TumblrChatScroller Public
A userscript for scrolling through Tumblr chat for backup purposes. If it's the future and Tumblr has chat export, you don't need this!
cljfmt Public
Forked from weavejester/cljfmtA tool for formatting Clojure code
Illustrating an issue in Leiningen 2.8.1 and below: the :dev profile can cause uberjar creation to fail
Example repo for strange cljfmt behaviour on defrecord
clj-custom-linters-example Public
An example repo showing how to use a proposed new Eastwood feature allowing for custom linters.
xml-in-cljs-examples Public
Some examples of using clojure.data.xml in CLJS
leinjacker Public
Forked from sattvik/leinjackerA library for Leiningen plug-in authors.
PythonDecorators Public
A presentation for EdmontonPy's August 2013 meeting - about decorators in Python. Here, you can read it in plain text or view as a slideshow. If you clone the repo and open the .org file within Ema…
re_transliterate Public
Functions for transliteration using regular expressions.
HNAlyze Public
A toy Clojure project for analyzing the conversations on Hacker News.
java-impl-of-clj-protocol Public
A working example of how to implement a Clojure protocol in Java. Written by a total Java dummy.
immuconf Public
Forked from levand/immuconfA small library for managing config files in Clojure projects
humane-test-output Public
Forked from pjstadig/humane-test-outputHumane test output for clojure.test.
leaven Public
Forked from palletops/leavenA component composition library for clojure and clojurescript
dire Public
Forked from MichaelDrogalis/direErlang-style supervisor error handling for Clojure
core.logic_examples Public
Some interesting examples of Clojure's core.logic
tumblesocks Public
Forked from gcr/tumblesocksAn Emacs tumblr client for tumblr's v2 API.
UNT_to_IPA Public
A script to convert files to/from Upper Necaxa Totonac IPA/UNT orthography.
basic_argparse Public
A helper function for setting up an argparse parser.