Zeal Programming Language.
Syntax is lua-ish in ml style
Native embedable Rust bindings.
Unobstructive Static Typing (somewhat similar to Go)
JIT or AOT compilation
Module System
documentation generation and typespecs similar to RustDoc or Elixir's @doc
Runtime AST and compile time macros
package manager & cli tool for Zeal (simliar to npm/cargo, name tentative)
Structs, no classes
Traits: Something between Rust and Go
Pattern matching / Destructuring
Optional Types (nil exists but I may remove it in favor of optional types, nonetheless Optional types will be a feature no matter what)
Pipe operator
Pass instance to method function automatically (instance.method() and method(instance) are both legal syntax and express the same method/function call)
- No Nil and Optional Types? or both?
- Mutiple Dispatch or Static/Dyn Dispatch
- var :: binding can be reassigned, eg: var x = 1; x = 3; Does not allow rebinding (shadowing).
- let :: similar to Rust's let, allows rebinding (shadowing), but not reassignment
- const :: Does not allow rebinding, or reassignment, unique identifier in current scope.
- ECMAScrit/WebAssembly
- Mu Micro Virtual Machine
- ZealVM
` mod math
fn add(a i32, b i32): i32 a + b end
fn sub(a, b) = a - b
struct Point x u32 y u32 end
fn mutate_point(p mut Point) p.x = p.x * p.x end