libopenapi is a fully featured, high performance OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger parser, library, validator and toolkit for golang applications.
Fault tolerance and resilience patterns for Go
Straightforward and pure Lua based Neovim configuration for my work as DevOps/Cloud Engineer with batteries included for Python, Golang, and, of course, YAML
G'day Nvimer, Joyful Gopher: Discover the Feature-Rich Go Plugin for Neovim
Web app to plot multiple Strava activities at once.
Examples of how to validate Atlar webhooks
A simple, zero-dependencies library to parse environment variables into structs
Contrib repository for the OpenTelemetry Collector
A Go library for parsing struct tags from environment variables.
OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3)
Simple, extremely lightweight, extensible, configuration management library for Go. Supports JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.
Collection of extensions for OpenTelemetry-Go.
Allow to track when a module and package change from a git tree and modules which import them, ideal for monorepo !
Easy-to-use CDK constructs for monitoring your AWS infrastructure
CLI tool and library for generating a Software Bill of Materials from container images and filesystems
A utility to examine and validate certificates in a variety of formats
Guard offers a policy-as-code domain-specific language (DSL) to write rules and validate JSON- and YAML-formatted data such as CloudFormation Templates, K8s configurations, and Terraform JSON plans…
A collection of awesome things related to the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
Configure AWS credential environment variables for use in other GitHub Actions.
Example projects using the AWS CDK
Build full-stack apps on your own infrastructure.
📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation
Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications
Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
Kaitai Struct: declarative language to generate binary data parsers in C++ / C# / Go / Java / JavaScript / Lua / Nim / Perl / PHP / Python / Ruby
CLI tool to generate terraform files from existing infrastructure (reverse Terraform). Infrastructure to Code
🚀 Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust