A curated list of awesome StarkNet resources, libraries, tools and more
Starknet Ecosystem Dashboard
Mastering Starknet. By the Starknet community
📖 A curated list of resources dedicated to Account Abstraction (EIP-4337)
A web application showcasing the implementation and usage of EIP-6963 for Multi Injected Provider Discovery
SecurityToken standard that helps to launch the compliance securities over the ethereum blockchain
core contract of eip 4337 implementation
Free implementation of EtherNet/IP in C++
Repository that shows how to easily implement EIP2981
Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP)
The Ethereum Improvement Proposal repository
Everything required to run your own Base node
base-org / chains
Forked from ethereum-lists/chainsprovides metadata for networkIDs and chainIDs
V1 interface for Snapshot. Join us on Discord