Wallet SDK for Bitcoin Cash
A tool for creating and managing a BCH wallet
This library is in early stages of development. It will have bugs, it will be unstable. Use at your own risk.
let SLPSDK = require('slp-sdk');
var SLP = new SLPSDK({
restURL: "https://trest.bitcoin.com/v2/"
let wallbox = require("wallbox-sdk")(SLP, "testnet");
(async () => {
let hdNode = await wallbox.Seed.getNode()
let Wallet = new wallbox.Wallet(hdNode);
let address = await Wallet.getfreshAddress()
let options = {message: "Hello BCH Blockchain!", feePerByte: 1}
let txId = await Wallet.send(address, 100000, options)
console.log("TX ID: " + txId)
let balance = await Wallet.getWalletBalance()
console.log("Balance = " + balance + " BCH")