Semantic-UI Public
Forked from Semantic-Org/Semantic-UISemantic empowers designers and developers by creating a shared vocabulary for UI.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 14, 2013 -
select2 Public
Forked from select2/select2Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 3, 2013 -
yac2013 Public
Forked from yandex-cs/yac2013Конкурс по ускорению отрисовки страницы
CSS UpdatedOct 2, 2013 -
sublime_package_control Public
Forked from wbond/package_controlA full-featured package manager for Sublime Text 2
Python UpdatedMay 7, 2013 -
bootstrap-datepicker Public
Forked from uxsolutions/bootstrap-datepickerA datepicker for @twitter bootstrap forked from Stefan Petre's (of eyecon.ro), improvements by @eternicode
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 1, 2013