Q: When does EchOS get updates? A: Once every month. However if the update contains something big it may be delayed depending on how big it is.
Q: What is EchOS? A: EchOS is a hobbiest computer operating system with the purpose of simply just having fun developing it.
Q: Can you use EchOS as a main system? A: No no no and no. if your going to be switching over to EchOS as a main driver your going to be losing Almost ALL of functionality. That includes being able to install software to your computer, browse the internet. EchOS is just a shell with a couple of commands. So no its not worth it at all. If you want to test EchOS its highly recommend you use it in a virtual machine. Mostly vmware.
Q: Can I edit the code? A: Yes you can. Its licensed under the MIT license which you can do anything with the program :)
Q: Is this a serious project? A: Yes and no. This project isn't going to be advertised nor am I getting payed to do this. EchOS is a hobbiest project to take up my time. However we do seriously try and make the software better.
Q: What language is it written in? A: C#
Q: How is it possible to write a OS in C#? A: With the help of software of course. Cosmos is a project that enables to compile C# code over to bootable iso files.
Q: How did you learn to code? A: By watching a bunch of youtube videos and following along then making my own projects with my knowledge.
Q: Can I contribute to the project. A: Yes you can! Contributers make the Project better! Please feel free to drop some suggestions into the issues tab.