Project video:
ForecastLodgings | Java, Selenium, Jsoup, JavaMailUtil | Jan 2024 - Apr 2024 |
- Developed a 'ForecastLodgings' project utilizing Java and advanced data structures like TrieNode for efficient city name completion and data management.
- Implemented web crawlers using Selenium and Jsoup to extract and validate data from multiple online sources, ensuring up-to-date lodging information.
- Created robust email and date validation mechanisms, including leap year considerations, to enhance data accuracy and reliability.
- Applied spell check algorithms using edit distance and pattern recognition with regex to maintain high data quality and user input accuracy.
- Designed and integrated a feature to store and read data from Excel files, facilitating easy data manipulation and retrieval.
- Utilized max heap and merge sort algorithms to rank and filter lodging deals, providing users with the top 5 best options directly to their email via JavaMailUtil.
- Built modular, structured code for information storage and retrieval, enabling efficient search, filtering, and sorting operations within the application.
- Conducted comprehensive manual testing with various inputs to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and robustness of all features and functionalities.