Bottomline Technologies
- Bangalore
Guvi-Angular-Course Public
This repository is consist of project build by while learning angular on guvi
TypeScript UpdatedJan 5, 2023 -
React-coursera Public
This is a repository which i build while learning react on coursera
ChatApplication Public
The chat app uses the Socket.IO library so that users can join a room and chat with other members in that specific room. One of the key feature is it blocks all the message which contains bad words.
Bike-Crash-Detection Public
This is a simple static website for my college project
Weather-Website Public
It is a simple weather forecasting website which retrieves location information and sends back information regarding today’s weather.
Object-Detection Public
This project aims to detect ten categories of objects using a web application. This project uses a fashion minst dataset for the learning purpose, the user can upload or draw a picture of an item, …
UpdatedMar 26, 2022 -
Cryptography-Assignments Public
These are the lab assignments performed during the course of cryptography
Computer-Networks Public
In this Repository, all codes are present which I have created while studying computer network in my college
VedantaVihar Public
This was a freelancer work completed by me and it is live on : http://vedantavihar.com/
dlaicourse Public
Forked from lmoroney/dlaicourseNotebooks for learning deep learning
DeepLearning-PadhAI Public
Forked from Niranjankumar-c/DeepLearning-PadhAIAll the code files related to the deep learning course from PadhAI