🔍 A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
Penetration Testing For - Web | Mobile | API | Thick Client | Source Code Review | DevSecOps | Wireless | Network Pentesting, etc...
An anti detection version frida-server for android.
An anti detection version frida-server for android.
With this script you can bypass both root detection and ssl pinning for your android app.
Automated analysis of network security emergency response tools.(自动化分析网络安全应急响应工具)
The repo contains a series of challenges for learning Frida for Android Exploitation.
A list of useful payloads and bypass for Web Application Security and Pentest/CTF
GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
Gather and update all available and newest CVEs with their PoC.
A collection of tiny XSS Payloads that can be used in different contexts.
《Java安全-只有Java安全才能拯救宇宙》Only Java Security Can Save The Universe.
RedGuard is a C2 front flow control tool,Can avoid Blue Teams,AVs,EDRs check.
Cola Dnslog v1.3.2 更加强大的dnslog平台/无回显漏洞探测辅助平台 完全开源 dnslog httplog ldaplog rmilog 支持dns http ldap rmi等协议 提供API调用方式便于与其他工具结合 支持钉钉机器人、Bark等提醒 支持docker一键部署 后端完全使用python实现 前端基于vue-element-admin二开