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Clear react carousel easy to integrate, he is very light and use 0 dependency. It is a carousel that will be customizable and offers great posibilities.

Go test the demo online react-clear-carousel demo.


I needed to make a really simple carousel. I looked for a library, but none was as light, simple and modular as I wanted. So I made my carousel and once finished I wanted to share it.

Quick startup 🚀

- Install the npm dependency in a react project

npm install --save react-clear-carousel
# of
yarn add react-clear-carousel

Usage 🛠

This is the most minimal exemple.

import React from 'react'

import {
} from 'react-clear-carousel'

const datas = [
  { id: 0, text: 'slider 1' },
  { id: 1, text: 'slider 2' },
  { id: 2, text: 'slider 3' }

const Carousel = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ width: 400 }}>
        currentSize={{ element: 116, margin: 10 }}>
          <Element />

const Element = ({
}: SliderElementProps<{ id: number; text: string }>) => {
  return (
    <div className={className}>
      <div style={{ padding: '8px', color: 'red', border: '1px solid blue' }}>

How 🕵️‍♂️

The carousel is a delimited element that has an overflow: hidden (🟠 orange box) with a much longer child (🔵 blue box) that contains the slides (🟢 green box) and that will change the number of pixels to be moved to the left during a slide animation.

schema exemple



This hook is used by the CarouselWrapper.

import { useSimpleSlider } from 'react-clear-carousel'

export type SimpleSliderConfig = {
  listLength: number // length of your datas
  size: {
    element: number // size of one element
    margin: number // margin of one element
  reverse?: boolean // true and the carousel go left to right
  transition?: string // transition when carousel slide change

function useSimpleCarousel(
  config: SimpleSliderConfig
): {
  nextSlide: () => void // handle the next slide
  prevSlide: () => void // handle the prev slide,
  setSlide: () => void // set slide to specific id,
  classes: {
    // different class for elements
    card: string
    flexBox: string
    root: string


import { CarouselWrapper } from 'react-clear-carousel'

export type CarouselWrapperProps<T extends ElementId> = {
  datas: T[] // data given for different slide
  currentSize: {
    element: number // size of one element
    margin: number // margin of one element
  children: React.ReactElement | React.ReactElement[]
  reverse?: boolean // true and the carousel go left to right
  transition?: string // transition when carousel slide change

function CarouselWrapper<T extends ElementId>(props: CarouselWrapperProps<T>)


This element use the context of CarouselWrapper.

import { CarouselElement } from 'react-clear-carousel'

type HorizontalSliderProps = {
  children: React.ReactElement // element for each slide
  rootClassname?: string // classname for the root
  elementBoxClassname?: string // classname for elements flex box

function CarouselElement(props: HorizontalSliderProps)


Those elements use the context of CarouselWrapper.

The children will have a onClick props to handle next / prev slide.

import { NextSlideAction, PrevSlideAction } from 'react-simple-slider'

const Buttons = () => (
      <button>Prev slide</button>
      <button>Next slide</button>


MIT © Melvynx