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Quickscript Extra

Some scripts for Quickscript.

1. Installation

In DrRacket, in File|Package manager|Source, enter quickscript-extra.

Or, on the command line, type: raco pkg install quickscript-extra.

If DrRacket is already running, click on Scripts|Manage scripts|Compile scripts and reload menu.

2. Scripts

  • abstract-variable: Create a variable from the selected expression video

  • add-menu: (Example) Shows how to dynamically add a menu to DrRacket.

  • all-tabs: Have a menu that displays all open tabs in DrRacket.

  • author-date: Insert text snippets with author, date, time, and licence.

  • backup-file: Copies the current file in the ’backups’ subdirectory with a time stamp

  • bookmarks: Quickly navigate between lines and headlines

  • color-chooser: Pick a color in the palette and insert it in DrRacket’s current file.

  • color-theme: Display information about the current color theme.

  • complete-word: Word completion from a given user dictionary

  • current-file-example: (Example) Displays the current file and the current selected string in a message box.

  • def-signatures: Displays the signature of the procedure under the cursor (like DrRacket’s blue box but works also when the file does not compile).

  • dynamic-abbrev: Cyclic word completion using the words of the current file.

  • enter-submod: Easily enter a submodule (main, test, drracket, etc.) in the interaction window.

  • extract-function: Extracts a block of code out of its context and generates a function and a call video

  • filepath-to-clipboard: Write the path of the current file in the clipboard.

  • git: Some git commands (linux only). Currently meant as a demo.

  • goto-line: Jump to a given line number in the current editor.

  • gui-tools: Code snippets for racket/gui widgets. Meant as a demo.

  • indent-table: Indent rows on double-space-separated columns video

  • insert-pict: (Example) Insert a ‘pict‘ at the current position.

  • number-tabs: (Example) displays the number of opened tabs in a message box.

  • open-collect-file: Open a file in DrRacket, starting in racket’s collections base path.

  • open-dir: Open the system’s file browser in the current directory.

  • open-terminal: Open a terminal in the directory of the current file.

  • pasterack: Opens Pasterack in the browser.

  • persistent-counter: (Example) Shows how the ‘#:persistent‘ property works.

  • provided-by: Displays a list of modules that ‘provide‘ the procedure under the cursor.

  • regexp-replace: Replace patterns in the selected text using regular expressions.

  • reorder-tabs: (Example) Move DrRacket’s tabs around.

  • reverse-selection: (Example) The simplest script example: reverse the selected string.

  • sections: Surrounds the selected text by comments ASCII frames.

  • sort-lines: Sorts the selected lines in (anti-)alphabetical order.

  • surround-selection: (Example) Surround the selected text with various characters.

  • tweet: (Example) Tweet the current selection. See the script file for configuration details.

  • url2script: Fetches a quickscript at a given url and adds it to the library.

3. url2script

The url2script script is special: it allows you to easily fetch single-file quickscripts from anywhere on the internet by providing the url to the raw code. It is actually a little smarter than that because it understands non-raw urls from github gists, gitlab snippets, pastebin and pasterack.

Some single-file scripts can be found on the Racket wiki.

A script previously fetched with url2script can also be easily updated by first opening it via Scrits|Manage|Open script… then clicking on Scripts|url2script|Update current script.

When a script is fetched by url2script, a "url2script-info" submodule is automatically added (unless one already exists) with information about the filename in which the script is to be saved (or has been saved), and the original url of the script. The latter is used for updating the script as described above. The submodule looks like this:

(module url2script-info racket/base                             
 (provide url filename)                                         
 (define filename "the-default-filename-to-save-the-script.rkt")
 (define url "https://url.of.the/script.rkt"))                  

If you want to publish a single-file quickscript without making a package, consider adding this submodule so as to provide a default filename (otherwise the user who fetches your script will have to type one themselves, and may be unsure what name to pick).

Also consider adding a permissive license. We recommend a dual license Apache 2.0 / MIT:

;;; Copyright <year> <email or name or entity>                        
;;; License: [Apache License, Version 2.0]( or                   
;;;          [MIT license]( at your option.                                                               

Scripts fetched by url2script are added to the default script directory. They can be modified as desired (as long as the license permits it)

4. Customizing

Scripts can be selectively deactivated from the library (Scripts|Manage scripts|Library).

If you change the source code of a script installed from the quickscript-extra package (or from any package containing quickscripts), you will lose all your modifications when the package is updated. To avoid this, you can use Quickscript’s shadow scripts: The shadow script calls the original script without modifying it, and can be modified to your taste without being modified when the original script is updated.

In particular, if you want to change the default label, menu path or keybinding of a script installed from quickscript-extra, go to Scripts|Manage|Library…, select the quickscript-extra directory, then the script you want, and click on Shadow. This opens a new (shadow) script that calls the original script where you can change what you want.

Note that the shadowed script is deactivated so as to avoid duplicate menu entries and keybindings.


Scripts for Quickscript








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