- Registration, login, change, delete, get self, get all - user
- Get, add role
- Bearer auth
App uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Node.js - For the backend
- Express - Fast node.js network app framework
- MySQL - Database for app
- Swagger - Api tool
- The server use Mysql, so you need to install MySQL
- The server is written in Node.js v14+, so you need to install nodejs
- Create new database in MySQL
- Clone repository in your directory
git clone https://github.com/Metyou42/user-role
cd user-role
- Create configuration file as name .env in app directory with this lines
PORT={Port for start app}
SECRET={JWT secret, can by any words}
DB_NAME={Name of your database in MySQL}
USER_NAME={User name for connect to database}
PASSWORD={Password for connect to database}
- Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server
npm i
npm run start
- Go to /api/docs for view API
All request besides Registration and Login must have token
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI...
Api Key | Description |
GET /api/user | Return a list of useres |
GET /api/user/me | Return a user self |
POST /api/user/registration | Create new user, return token, body - {"name":"{username}"} |
POST /api/user/login | Login user, return token, body - {"name":"{username}"} |
PUT /api/user | Change info about user, return new token, body - {"name":"{username}", "roles": [{Existing roles name]} |
DELETE /api/user | Delete user |
Api Key | Description |
GET /api/role | Return a list of roles with users |
POST /api/role | Create new role, body - {"role":"{role name}"} |
- Node.js/Express
- sequelize
- mysql2
- jsonwebtoken
- dotenv
- swagger-jsdoc
- swagger-ui-express