Instructions for usage, Download MezLogger.cs from the repo and import it into your project
Notice you will need to be using at least C# V8 to use this, I personally use V9 in my own projects. You will receive
errors trying to use it on a version below 8. This isn't a hard fix you will just need to go where your " csproj " file is and add <LangVersion>9</LangVersion>
below the line <ProjectGUID> blablabla </ProjectGuid>
( so that LangVer becomes line 8 )
Once you have imported MezLogger.cs into your project and have set it up you will want to call MelonCoroutines.Start(MezLogger.MakeUI());
or whatever corresponds in your own project to this coroutine on application start to init MezLogger.
MezLogger works simularly to Melonlogger.Msg("Text")
, Melonlogger.Warn("Text")
& Melonlogger.Error("Text")
but instead you write MezLogger.Msg("Text", 2.5f)
, MezLogger.Warn("Text", 2.5f)
or MezLogger.Error("Text", 2.5f)
the float value after the text being how long its displayed on the HUD for (in seconds).
A mod using this api to log melonloader console messages to your HUD can be found here
‣ Myself and Kaaku for FumoClient, where the orignal logger comes from