An R-focused pipeline toolkit for reproducibility and high-performance computing
🐦 R client for interacting with Twitter's [stream and REST] APIs
Code and plots for submissions to the #tidytuesday challenge
📦 R package for data and supplemental functions for OpenIntro resources
Replication code and downloadable example data sets for The Effect
🗳📊An R package for acquiring and analyzing political data — including polls, election results, legislator information, and demographic data.
An R package for estimating and doing statistical inference on context-specific word embeddings.
An R package to assess the effects of text preprocessing decisions.
R package for working with open road traffic casualty data from Great Britain
An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R
A repo for analysis of political data in the R statistical programming language.
R package for power calculations and visualization for pre-trends tests
The Library of Statistical Techniques: Instructions for Performing Statistics THIS REPO IS MOVING TO
R package for estimating speaker style distinctiveness in texts. Install it from CRAN!
A repository of academic resources to help make use of the Facebook Social Connectedness Index data.
Data mining FEC data using R, SQL and Azure Machine Learning Studio
Geographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering
An R wrapper for the OpenFEC API that features tidy cleaning.