xFinder: Robust and Pinpoint Answer Extraction for Large Language Models
A django-based library for managing the Living with Machines newspapers metadata database schema
10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
Earnings calls of all S&P500 companies from 1995 to 2015
📦 R package for data and supplemental functions for OpenIntro resources
An R package to assess the effects of text preprocessing decisions.
R package for estimating speaker style distinctiveness in texts. Install it from CRAN!
An R package for estimating and doing statistical inference on context-specific word embeddings.
R Package for accessing the Follow The Money API <>
Data mining FEC data using R, SQL and Azure Machine Learning Studio
McCourt School "Enhance and Advance" Webinar material for learning R.
A repository of academic resources to help make use of the Facebook Social Connectedness Index data.
A Pretrained BERT Model for Financial Communications.
Keeping track of what is going on with the latest DiD innovations.
The first RESTful API for the Federal Election Commission. We're aiming to make campaign finance more accessible for journalists, academics, developers, and other transparency seekers.
Permutation Test for Regression Discontinuity and Regression Kink Designs
Get the opensecrets data into a postgres database