Releases: MichaelB7/Crafty
v25.3 Official
Crafty v25.3
Added "Play by ELO". To play by ELO insert into the crafty.rc file:
elo="rating" where rating is any number between 800 and 2600.
A non busy "sleep" for the appropriate time for the time control selected is enabled by default so it will not play instantaneously.
Selecting a rating below 1200 diminishes enables skill level. A rating between 1200 and 2600 is uses Crafty full evaluation function with no deliberate evaluation weakening, it simply reduces the number of nodes searched. Every increase of 100 ELO points will double the number of search on average. There is also built-randomization factor that varies the number of nodes on any given move to increase variability in play.
There are no changes the Crafty eval or search function
Will add Linus and Windows exe's as provided.
The Crafty_Chess_Informant Opening_Books is a Crafty opening book based on the games published by Chess Informant over the last 50 years. Just include them in the directory where you place the Crafty exe.
An example crafty.rc is attached below, for Windows rename it "crafty.rc".
Crafty v25.2
Simply creating a release page - no changes to the source . Also adding Crafty Chess Informant Opening Books and adding binaries as well. The Chess Informant Opening book is based on high quality games published by Chess Informant over the last 50 years.