This repository contains the Matlab code and data used to generate the results in the paper titled "A numerical approach for constructing adaptive designs with information monitoring".
Authors: Michael A Chesnaye, Steven L. Bell, James M. Harte, and David M. Simpson.
Repository files:
1.1) Case_Study_ABR.m Matlab code to carry out the case study in Section 5 of the paper
1.2) CaseStudy_Data.mat Data for the case-study
2.) SensitivityAssessment.m Matlab code to carry out the sensitivity assessment in Section 4 of the paper
3.1) Specificity_OneSample_ttest.m Matlab code to carry out the specificity assessment for the one-sample t-test in Section 3 of the paper
3.2) Specificity_TwoSample_ttest_blind.m Matlab code to carry out the specificity assessment for the two-sample blinded t-test in Section 3 of the paper
3.3) Specificity_TwoSample_ttest_unblind.m Matlab code to carry out the specificity assessment for the two-sample unblinded t-test in Section 3 of the paper
4.1) Calculate_F.m Code to analyse data and generate an F statistic
4.2) Get_Gamma_k.m Code to generate the stage-wise statistical powers: equation (8) in the paper
4.3) Get_Truncation_Index.m A search algorithm to locate a given percentile along some distribution