An extensive list of static badges, sorted by category.
- App Stores
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blog
- Browsers
- CI
- Cloud Storage
- Cloud Systems
- Code Coverage
- Collaboration Tools
- Cryptocurrencies
- Databases
- Delivery
- Design
- Documentation
- Education
- Funding
- Frameworks
- Game Engines
- Gaming Storefronts
- IDE/Code Editors
- Operating Systems
- Package Managers
- Payment
- Programming Languages
- Review
- Search Engines
- Social Medias
- Sound
- Static Site
- Streaming
- Version Control
- Virtual Reality
- Work/Jobs
- Website Status
Tip: Use Ctrl/⌘+F to quickly find a badge.
If you want to find badges from within your terminal, check out mdbadges-cli, which has every badge listed under this repository able to be directly accessible from the terminal. It also features multiple commands, such as creating your own badge!
If you want to contribute in any way, such as adding your own badge or category, read the contributing guidelines here.
Here is a list of everybody who has contributed to md-badges so far: