Terraform Files to Create a GCP VM Install Docker Docker-Compose and Run Airflow
Create a Service Account and give it Compute Engine Admin Permissions
Generate and download a key for the Service Account
Note: The variables.tf files are looking for a key titled terra-airflow.json in a .google directory in the root of the projects file structure.
Create a ./google directory and add your .json key there
Name it terra-airflow or update the varaibles.tf file variable
Update the variables in variables.tf to match your project.
A good way to do this is to look at the Dashboard for the project name
Go to Compute Engine and click the Create Instance button.
The default shown for Region and Zone are most likely what you want to use.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/KEY_FILENAME -C USERNAME
The files as is will be looking for a private and public key pair with the name "GCP" in your users .ssh directoy.
You will now need to generate a Service Account with permissions to upload to a GCP Bucket.
Create a key file for the service acount and place it at .google/credentials/google_credentials.json
From either the
directories run
terraform plan
to check for errors
terraform apply
to deploly to GCP