.sql script that runs while building postgres container.
- creates mlflow_db
- creates user: mlflow_user with password: mlflow_user_pw
- grants all priveleges on the database with that user
Gets a postgres alpine image and runs the .sql script
Installs mlflow 2.1.1 in a python image and runs the mlflow server
Creates the different services:
- postgres:
- mapped to 5532 for outside use
- uses Dockerfile_postgres to build image
- minio:
- maps console port 9000 -> 9900 for outside use
- maps API port 9001 -> 9100 for outside use
- runs Minio server on 9000/9001 inside container
- mlflow:
- maps server port 5000 -> 5050 for outside use
- uses Dockerfile_mlflow to build
- uses AWS credentials to connect ot minio
Simple tensorfow model to test logging on mlflow and minio
- check why all tables saved under db mlflow_user
- script to create S3 bucket in minio for startup --> for now create manually before running a training