I'm a 25 y/o Spanish programmer who is currently working for an IT company as a web/cloud developer.
I have a certificate of higher education in Web Development.
I'm also self taught in a lot of technologies, feel free to roam through my GH profile and see the current projects i'm developing.
I'm currently working on my own VPS machine using Coolify, and i have deployed my own personal web page and my API with a PostgreSQL DB to retrieve my data and store it.
On the front-end department i have years of experience developing full reactive applications with communication with an API and data-driven applications.
The design aspect of web development is the one i love & also fear the most.
I'm experienced in using figma, both for designing and developing from. I've used it since 2021.
The design aspect of web development is huge, i've been capable of designing a design system from scratch, tweaking it and implementing it in a bigger design, this was for a huge spanish retail company.
I've been using front-end tech since 2020, i started using only CDN hosted libraries, and currently i'm using frameworks to develop full-stack applications, which are reactive and dynamicly rendered with information comming from an API.
Angular, React & VueJS are my most used frameworks, VueJS being my favourite.
I'm also experienced using Full-stack frameworks, like Laravel which i love, and also NextJS & NuxtJS.
The styling is one of the most intrinsic parts of web development, and here my experience is vast, i've been styling raw HTML since 2020 also, using just Barebones CSS (Which i love btw, it is really powerful), and currently i'm using TailwindCSS for most of my personal projects and SASS for my company's projects.
Although i've been thinking lately of using Plain CSS in a new project without any libraries and learn/test the most recent features of CSS, i use Tailwind for the simplicity but CSS is still the king for me.
Now here is where i shine the most, i really love back-end, it is really pleasing for me, and i'm always trying to learn as much new stuff as i can.
I started using Java, for basic applications, and then i switched to Laravel to develop full-stack applications.
That was all my experience when i finaliced my studies, from there i learned a ton of stuff.
- NodeJS with Typescript & Drizzle ORM
- Java & Spring with Hexagonal Architecture
- Laravel with blade templates & also Inertia for using VueJS templates
- Spring's full toolkit
- Golang with std library for routing and http
- Azure Functions with .Net
- Azure Logic Apps
My job is to see problems, and fix them in the best, most eficient and easy to maintain way possible, so i have a ton of flexibility to learn new stuff and apply it to my job.
I've been recently learning Astro for the same reason, an opportunity came, to create a web app kinda like a CMS but headless using Sharepoint tables as a source of information, and this app is practically static with just a few things dynamicly redered, that's why i've used my personal time to learn this technology.
Personal web page using Astro and Tailwind, using dynamic islands to retrieve data from an API.
Authentication service with Golang, to reuse for all my applications.
Project with a headless CMS to implement a CRUD for my personal DB like an admin area, protected by the auth service.