Continuous-time system identification with neural networks
An experimental code base for system identification with Jax.
Code of the paper "Neural state-space models: Empirical evaluation of uncertainty quantification"
Code accompanying the paper "Learning neural state-space models: do we need a state estimator?"
Dynamical System Identification using python incorporating numerous powerful deep learning methods. (deepSI = deep System Identification)
Python code of the paper Model order reduction of deep structured state-space models: A system-theoretic approach
Python code of the paper "Efficient Calibration of Embedded MPC" (2020 IFAC World Congress) by Marco Forgione, Dario Piga, and Alberto Bemporad
"dynoNet: A neural network architecture for learning dynamical systems" by Marco Forgione and Dario Piga
A Model Predictive Control (MPC) Python library based on the OSQP solver.