A tool to log method's parameters and return value.
Currently, AndroidAppLog can only parse a variable whose type is primitive, string or one dimension array which consist of primitive type or string. For other object instances, AndroidAppLog will call the toString method to record the variables' value.
Using AndroidAppLog is entirely at your own risk
AndroidAppLog is built based on Xposed framework, you need to install the Xposed Installer before using AndroidAppLog.
On the main activity of AndroidAppLog, after clicking the application's icon, you will see all the packages contained in the application you chose. Classes will be listed when you click each package name. Continue clicking the class name you will finally see all the methods and you can check the methods you want to log. Whenever you change the methods you need to log, please ensure to reboot your device(I know it brings inconvenience while it will cause lots of GCs(Garbage Collection) and will result in application's no response when hook all the methods in a certain application at one time. I haven't found an elegant way to figure out this problem. So just be patient with AndroidAppLog).
You can use the command below to see all the log records:
adb logcat -s AppLog:I
Each log record is formatted as: class.method(variable-type variable-value, ...) return-type return-value. You can refer to the last graph to see the log results.
AndroidAppLog is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 GNU General Public License version 3