Tool Box (detail: "")
- Packages
CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network): R’s main repository (>12,100 packages available!)
BioConductor: A repository mainly for bioinformatic-focused packages
- Create repo and change from Rstudio
e.g. Testing.R (initial script)
- Using R markdown commands:
1)section headers:
"# Header level 1"
"## Header level 2"
"### Header level 3..."
2)R code chunk: Ctrl+Alt+I (Windows) or Cmd + Option + I (Mac) - Types of data science questions:
Descriptive analysis
Exploratory analysis
Inferential analysis(use a relatively small sample of data to infer or say something about the population at large)
Predictive analysis
Causal analysis
Mechanistic analysis(exact changes in variables that lead to exact changes in other variables)