- user can create standard account or login with google.
- user can reset his pass using email.
- authentications on all the user inputs.
- user can crop and post a photo with caption.
- user can upload a story (photo - video) and it will be visible only for 24 hours.
- user can see all the views on his story with time.
- user can follow and chat other users also he can view the list of followers or following.
- user can save or hide any post from his following people posts.
- user can search for any user and have search history.
- user have notifications page that have any notification like if another user liked or commented on his photo.
- user can edit all his profile data and also can set his profile private or not.
- user have mobile notification for every message received or event happen.
- user can have one-to-one chat or a group chat.
- user can delete or hide any chat and also he can request from the second user to both delete the chat permanently and the second user will notify with that.
- user can send (text - video - photo - documents - voice chat) messages.
- user can save sent videos or photos on his device.
- user can reply on messages like whatsApp and he can delete the message ( before 24 hours from sending it).
- user can edit a textMessage once but the message will appear as edited and the original message can be viewed.
- user can forward any message and it will appear as forwarded.
- user can react with emoji on any message and can copy any text message.
- user have a list of chat theme to select from it.
- for group chat it has the same functions like normal chat but the admin can add or remove members or change the group details.
- offline access to your chat.
- Download the project and connect it to your firebase.
- It would be better if your project is (Blaze plan) because the project uses functions and you need to upload this code.
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
exports.scheduledFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule('every 30 minutes').onRun((context) => {
// current time in miilis
const timeMillis = admin.firestore.Timestamp.now().toMillis();
admin.firestore().collection('Stories').where('expiryDate', '<=', timeMillis).get()
.then((snapshot) => {
snapshot.docs.forEach((data) => {
console.log("Name: " + data.get('username'));
console.log("ID: " + data.get('id'));
console.log("UID: " + data.get('uid'));
}).catch((error) => {
console.log("Error: " + error);
return null;
exports.onStoryUpload = functions.firestore.document('Stories/{storyID}')
.onCreate((snapshot, context) => {
var data = snapshot.data();
const timeMillis = admin.firestore.Timestamp.now().toMillis();
const expiryDate = timeMillis + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
"expiryDate": expiryDate,
- If your plan is spark the project will work fine except that the users stories will be always available not only for 24 hours.
Kotlin mainly, Coroutines together with Flow.
Firebase mainly used in this project:
- Authentication
- Firestore
- Storage
- Functions
Dependency injection (Dagger Hilt).
Retrofit A type-safe HTTP client.
SDP to support different screen sizes.
- Architecture
- MVVM (model view view-model).
- reposittory pattern.
- Architecture
Material design components
Navigation Component
Swipe-to-reply for whatsApp swipe function.
Touch-Imageview to zoom in photos.
records-player for a simple record player.
voice-message-recorder for a recoder layout like whatsApp.
video-trimmer to trim video before uploading it.
image-cropper to crop image befor uploading it.
Glide very easy library to load images or thumnails.
Dexter to ask for permissions.
Circular-imageView which support border on images.
Alert_dialog with animations.