Why you should use react-query instead of useEffects for API Calls?
Image Lazy Loading with Blurhashing
Stop doing this bad practices if you're a React developer
Tutorial created by Enyel Sequeira, taught by JavaScript Mastery
Modern UI/UX website using React.js & Tailwind CSS
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we're going to build a Modern UI/UX Restaurant Landing Page Website
Master the creation of Modern UX/UI Websites
The ultimate NextJS Ethereum Dapp Boilerplate which gives you maximum flexibility and speed. Feel free to fork and contribute. Although this repo is called "Ethereum Boilerplate" it works with any …
This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. In this video, we're going to build a Web 3.0 React Solidity Blockchain Application
Reusable JavaScript library for creating sketchy/hand-drawn styled charts in the browser.
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
🌸 A javascript plugin to Make it rain sakura petals using CSS animations and requestAnimationFrame (vanilla JS and improved version of jQuery-Sakura).
Coding articles to level up your development skills
React Native module to scan for nearby device using Bluetooth Low Energy for iOS and Android
👻 A minimalistic, responsive, vanilla JavaScript library to show toast notifications.
A small, fast JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal arithmetic.