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Create optimal_design.R
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pitmanme authored Nov 17, 2022
1 parent 306fc8c commit b40c7d6
Showing 1 changed file with 378 additions and 0 deletions.
378 changes: 378 additions & 0 deletions himap/optimal_design.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
## This file:
## - runs the optimization via
## - computes the optimal designs with and without weighting,
## - and outputs the optimal designs.
# This script it adapted by M Pitman from
# The original publication is:
# Yang Q, Burchett W, Steeno GS, Liu S, Yang M, Mobley DL, Hou X.
# J. Comput. Chem. 2020 jan; 41(3):247–257.

## Load packages, set ggplot theme, and import data
require( igraph)
require( tidyverse)

# Set ggplot2 theme
theme_set( theme_gray( base_size = 20))
theme_update( plot.title = element_text( hjust = 0.5), legend.position = 'top')
options( scipen = 999, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Optimization statistical engine function.
################################################################ <- function( A.use, W.use, starting.rows, criterion, maxiter = 1e4, messages = TRUE){

# Define the functions which compute the optimality criteria
if( criterion == 'D'){ # D-optimal (minimizes determinant of the information matrix)
crit.func <- function( A, W){
return( det( t(A) %*% W %*% A))
}else if( criterion == 'A'){ # A-optimal (minimizes the trace of the inverse information matrix, equiavalent to minimizing the average variability of the estimates)
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
return( -sum( diag( solve( inf.mat))))
}else if( criterion == 'P'){ # Minimizes the average variability of all possible pairwise differences
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
inv.inf <- solve( inf.mat)
all.pairs.var <- NULL
for( i in 1:(nrow( inv.inf) - 1)){
for( j in (i + 1):nrow( inv.inf)){
all.pairs.var <- c( all.pairs.var, ( inv.inf[i,i] + inv.inf[j,j] - 2*inv.inf[i,j]))
return( -sum( all.pairs.var))
}else if( criterion == 'mA'){ # Minimizes the maximum variability of the estimates
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
return( -max( diag( solve( inf.mat))))
}else if( criterion == 'mP'){ # Minimizes the maximum variability of the pairwise differences
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
inv.inf <- solve( inf.mat)
all.pairs.var <- NULL
for( i in 1:(nrow( inv.inf) - 1)){
for( j in (i + 1):nrow( inv.inf)){
all.pairs.var <- c( all.pairs.var, (inv.inf[i,i] + inv.inf[j,j] - 2*inv.inf[i,j]))
return( -max( all.pairs.var))
}else if( criterion == 'negD'){ # Finds the worst design for the D-optimal criteria
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
return( -det( t(A) %*% W %*% A))
}else if( criterion == 'negA'){ # Finds the worst design for the A-optimal criteria
crit.func <- function( A, W){
inf.mat <- t(A) %*% W %*% A
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] == "try-error"){
return( -Inf)
return( sum( diag( solve( inf.mat))))
}else if( criterion == 'random'){ # Finds a random design that's also identifiable
n.pairs <- length( starting.rows[ -which( starting.rows %in% which( rowSums( abs( A.use)) == 1))])
rand.iter <- 1
current.rows <- c( sample( (1:nrow( A.use))[-which( rowSums( abs( A.use)) == 1)], n.pairs), which( rowSums( abs( A.use)) == 1))
inf.mat <- t( A.use[ current.rows,]) %*% W.use[ current.rows, current.rows] %*% A.use[ current.rows,]
print(paste0( 'Iteration ', rand.iter, ' to find seed design.'))
rand.iter <- rand.iter + 1
# Edits made here 04/11, test log(det(inf.mat)) instead of det(inf.mat)
crit_i <- log(det( inf.mat))
#print(det( inf.mat))
if( !isTRUE( all.equal(crit_i, -Inf))){
print(paste0("Finite log(det(inf.mat)) found, ", crit_i))
if( class( try( solve( inf.mat), silent = TRUE))[1] != "try-error"){
print("Invertible solution found.")
A = A.use[ current.rows,],
W = W.use[ current.rows, current.rows],
criterion = NA,
rows = current.rows
warning( 'Unknown Criterion')

# Controls the optimization iterations, below.
# Initialize the design matrix
current.rows <- starting.rows
# Keep track of iterations
current.iter <- 1
# Run the algorithm
# Compute the criterion for the current design
current.D <- crit.func( A.use[ current.rows,], W.use[ current.rows, current.rows])

if( messages){
message( paste0( 'Iteration ', current.iter, ' (criterion = ', signif( current.D, 4), ')'))
# Is something going wrong with the messages?
print(paste0( 'Iteration ', current.iter, ' (criterion = ', signif( current.D, 4), ')'))

# Find all possible couples of current rows and potential rows
candidate.rows <- setdiff( 1:nrow( A.use), current.rows)
couples <- expand.grid( current = current.rows, candidate = candidate.rows, D = NA)

# Compute the difference in criteria between all possible exchanges
for( current.couple in 1:nrow( couples)){ <- A.use[ c( current.rows[ -which( current.rows == couples$current[ current.couple])], couples$candidate[ current.couple]),]
current.weights <- W.use[ c( current.rows[ -which( current.rows == couples$current[ current.couple])], couples$candidate[ current.couple]), c(current.rows[-which(current.rows == couples$current[current.couple])], couples$candidate[current.couple])]
couples$D[ current.couple] <- crit.func(, current.weights)
couples$D.diff <- couples$D - current.D

# If no exchanges improve the design, stop. Otherwise, make the best swap and continue the algorithm
if( sum( couples$D.diff > 0) == 0){
} else if( current.iter == maxiter) {
# This might be a bug. What I want it to do is give up. Not return garbage below.
print("The maximum number of iterations occured.")
current.rows <- c( current.rows[ -which( current.rows == couples$current[ which.max( couples$D.diff)[1]])], couples$candidate[ which.max( couples$D.diff)[1]])
current.iter <- current.iter + 1

# Return the optimal design, weight matrix, criteria, and rows
A = A.use[ current.rows,],
W = W.use[ current.rows,current.rows],
criterion = current.D,
rows = current.rows
# End optimization statistical engine.

# Import scores from python
run_optimization <- function(ref_lig, dataframe, r_optim_types, num_edges){
# ref_lig = reference ligand to use, currenlty must be manually selected
# dataframe = r dataframe generate from similarity scores
# optim_type1 and optim_type2 = optimization type such as 'A' and 'D'.
# currently two types are required.

# Import atom pair scores
optim_type1 <- r_optim_types[1]
optim_type2 <- r_optim_types[2]
k_numb <- num_edges
print(paste("Preparing", optim_type1, "optimization"))
print(paste("Preparing", optim_type2, "optimization"))

sim.scores <- dataframe %>%
as.matrix() %>%
reshape2::melt( = TRUE) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
setNames( c( 'LIGAND_1', 'LIGAND_2', 'SIM')) %>%
filter( LIGAND_1 != LIGAND_2) %>%
# Normalize weights.
mutate( WEIGHT = (SIM^2 - min(SIM)^2)/(max(SIM)^2 - min(SIM)^2))

## Find the optimal designs
# Define the list of ligands
ligand.list <- sim.scores$LIGAND_1 %>% unique() %>% sort()
reference.ligand <- c(ref_lig)

# Generate full design
A.full <- matrix( 0, ncol = length( ligand.list), nrow = choose( length( ligand.list), 2))
for( i in 1:nrow( A.full)){
A.full[i, t( combn( 1:length( ligand.list), 2))[i,]] <- c( 1, -1)
print( paste("Number of ligands:", length( ligand.list)))
print(paste('The number of chosen edges is', k_numb))

# Define the A and W matrices for a full design with weights
# Output array with a 1 at column of reference ligands. Rows: number of ref ligands
a <- rbind(diag( ncol( A.full))[ which( ligand.list %in% reference.ligand),])
A.use <- rbind( A.full, a)

# Generate array of 2's for length of reference ligands
ref_weights <- rep(2, length(reference.ligand))
W.use <- diag( c(
apply( A.full, 1, function(x){
sim.scores %>%
LIGAND_1 == ligand.list[ which( x == 1)] &
LIGAND_2 == ligand.list[ which( x == -1)]
) %>%
pull( WEIGHT)
}), ref_weights

# Generate seed design to optimize.
starting.rows <- A.use, W.use, c( 1:k_numb, nrow(A.use)), 'random')$rows
# Begin optimization. <- A.use, W.use, starting.rows, optim_type1)$A %>%
{.[which( rowSums( .) == 0),]} %>%
apply( 1, function(x){
LIGAND_1 = ligand.list[ which( x == 1)],
LIGAND_2 = ligand.list[ which( x == -1)]
}) %>% { "rbind", .)} <- A.use, W.use, starting.rows, optim_type2)$A %>%
{.[which( rowSums( .) == 0),]} %>%
apply( 1, function(x){
LIGAND_1 = ligand.list[ which( x == 1)],
LIGAND_2 = ligand.list[ which( x == -1)]
}) %>% { "rbind", .)}

## Combine all designs and weights together
string_A = paste(optim_type1, "-optimal")
string_D = paste(optim_type2, "-optimal")

analysis.dat <- bind_rows( %>% mutate( DESIGN = string_A), %>% mutate( DESIGN = string_D)
) %>%
left_join( sim.scores %>% select( LIGAND_1, LIGAND_2, 'SIM_WEIGHT' = WEIGHT))

## Visualize designs

# Compute the optimality criteria for each design.
crit.dat <- analysis.dat %>%
tidyr::crossing( as_tibble( t( setNames( rep( 0, length( ligand.list)), ligand.list)))) %>%
rowwise() %>%
do( mutate_if( as_tibble(.), grepl( .$LIGAND_1, names(.)), function(x){-1})) %>%
do( mutate_if( as_tibble(.), grepl( .$LIGAND_2, names(.)), function(x){1})) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by( DESIGN) %>%
design.mat <- {.} %>%
select_at( ligand.list) %>%
as.matrix() %>%
rbind( diag( length( ligand.list))[ which( ligand.list == reference.ligand),])

null.weight <- c( rep( 1, nrow(.)), 2)
sim.weight <- c( .$SIM_WEIGHT, 2)

# Removed solve from null.inner because det(inverse A) = 1/det(A)
null.inner = t( design.mat) %*% diag( null.weight) %*% design.mat
weighted.inner = t( design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat

# This is the hat matrix values, in development.
# H diags
print("Hat matrix leverages:")
print(diag(((design.mat %*% solve(t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat) %*% t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight)))))

# Output critical data dataframe
A = sum( diag( solve( t( design.mat) %*% diag( null.weight) %*% design.mat))),
D = det( solve( t( design.mat) %*% diag( null.weight) %*% design.mat))^(1/length( ligand.list)),
A.ap = sum( diag( solve( t( design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat))),
D.ap = det( solve( t( design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat))^(1/length( ligand.list))
#H = ((design.mat %*% solve(t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat) %*% t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight))),
#Diag.Hi = diag(((design.mat %*% solve(t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight) %*% design.mat) %*% t(design.mat) %*% diag( sim.weight)))),
#Diag.nullHi = diag(((design.mat %*% solve(t(design.mat) %*% design.mat) %*% t(design.mat))))

}) %>%

# For in development.
#print( "crit.dat, leverages")
#print( crit.dat[, c("Diag.Hi", "Diag.nullHi")])

print( "Critical Data:")
print( crit.dat)

# Plot the designs.
# Collect vertices or node info for designs.
vertex.dat <- analysis.dat %>%
group_by( DESIGN) %>%
net <- graph_from_data_frame(., directed = FALSE)
bind_cols( vertex.attributes( net)), layout_with_gem( net))
) %>% setNames( c( 'LIGAND', 'X', 'Y'))
}) %>% ungroup() %>%
mutate( REF = ifelse( LIGAND %in% reference.ligand, 'Reference Ligand', 'Other')) %>%
mutate( REF = factor( REF, levels = c( 'Reference Ligand', 'Other')))

print("Vertex Data:")
vertex.dat %>% as_tibble() %>% print(n=60)

# Collect edge data for the designs.
edge.dat <- analysis.dat %>%
left_join( vertex.dat %>% select( 'LIGAND_1' = LIGAND, DESIGN, 'X1' = X, 'Y1' = Y)) %>%
left_join( vertex.dat %>% select( 'LIGAND_2' = LIGAND, DESIGN, 'X2' = X, 'Y2' = Y))

# Change name based on metric type. Might need to deprecate.
vertex.dat <- vertex.dat %>%
mutate( DESIGN = factor( DESIGN, levels = c( string_A, string_D)))

edge.dat <- edge.dat %>%
mutate( DESIGN = factor( DESIGN, levels = c( string_A, string_D)))

# For in development.
#leverage.dat <- crit.dat %>%
#mutate( DESIGN = factor( DESIGN, levels = c( "A-optimal (lomap)", "D-optimal (lomap)")))

# Plotting of the weights colored.
bottom.plot <- ggplot( vertex.dat, aes( x = X, y = Y)) +
geom_segment( size = 1, data = edge.dat, aes( x = X1, y = Y1, xend = X2, yend = Y2, color = SIM_WEIGHT)) +
geom_point( size = 10, pch = 21, aes( fill = REF)) +
geom_text( size = 2, aes( x = X, y = Y, label = LIGAND)) +
facet_wrap( ~ DESIGN, scales = "free", ncol = 2) +
scale_color_gradientn( colors = c( "red1", "orange", "gold", "green", "springgreen"), limits = c( 0, 1)) +
theme_bw( base_size = 20) + labs( fill = NULL, color = NULL) +
theme( panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), strip.background = element_blank()) +
theme( axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
theme( plot.title = element_text( hjust = 0.5), legend.position = 'top', = 'vertical', legend.key.width = unit(4, 'line'), legend.title=element_text(vjust = 0.9)) +
labs( color = glue('Weights:'))
now <- Sys.time()
ggsave(paste0("Rgraph_colored", format(now, "_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), ".pdf"))

# Write csv file
csv_ofile = paste0("edge_data", format(now, "_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"), ".csv")
write.csv(edge.dat,csv_ofile, row.names = FALSE)


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