Sixteen faders, a Teensy, MIDI over USB and jack, CV out, and I2C out. Phew.
This contains all the Airwindows audio open source code
A cross-platform framework for developing spatial audio algorithms and software in C/C++
A collection of spatial audio related VST/LV2 plug-ins developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework
digital signal processing library for software-defined radios
A toolbox for convolution, deconvolution and other impulse response related tasks.
Auraglyph is an infinite modular musical sketchpad.
A collection of synthesis, signal processing, and image processing objects originally authored by Dan Trueman and Luke Dubois
A collection of useful devices for Ableton Live
Code and data for "Time-Varying Filters for Musical Applications"
a tool for converting VST presets to AU presets
Mac app to de-/interleave multichannel audio files
VCV Rack plugin based on Synthesis Technology Eurorack modules
VCV Rack plugin based on Mutable Instruments Eurorack modules
Arduino library for asynchronous playback of PCM/WAV files direct from SD card. Arduino Uno,Nano,Mega etc supported
Vult is a transcompiler well suited to write high-performance DSP code
Fast, modern C++ DSP framework, FFT, Sample Rate Conversion, FIR/IIR/Biquad Filters (SSE, AVX, AVX-512, ARM NEON)
An audio plugin with Pure Data embedded that allows to load and to control patches
Build audio applications and plugins with gen~