Companion page to the paper "Reducing the aliasing of nonlinear waveshaping using continuous-time convolution" by Julian D. Parker, Vadim Zavalishin and Efflam Le Bivic, presented at the DAFx16 Conference in Brno, Czech Republic, 5th-9th Sept. 2016.
Contains MATLAB scripts implementing some of the results described in the paper.
hardClipComparison.m - generates sine sweeps processed through hard clipper, with several anti-aliasing kernels and sampling rates.
hardClipSNR.m - Calculates SNR values for the hard clipped sine sweeps.
HardClip.m - Trivial hard clipping function.
HardClip0.m - Antiderivative of hard clipping function.
HardClip1.m - First moment of hard clipping function.
Tanh0.m - Antiderivative of tanh() function.
Tanh1.m - First moment of tanh() function. NOTE: Requires external implementation of dilog() function (not included here, due to licensing).
Sine sweeps processed through a hard clipper.
Sine sweeps processed through tanh() function.
Cutoff sweeps of ladder filter processing 5kHz sinusoidal input.