Plugin to support OctoPrint 3D printer control via the HomeBridge Platform.
- Install homebridge using: npm install -g homebridge
- Install homebridge-octoprint using: npm install -g homebridge-octoprint
- Update your configuration file. See sample-config.json in this repository for a sample or below.
"accessories": [
"accessory": "OctoPrint",
"name": "OctoPrint",
"api_key": "XXXXX"
This plugin adds the current print status of OctoPrint to HomeKit. The print status is shown as a lightbulb, with the brightness value equaling the current print progress (0-100%). If you deactivate the lightbulb, octoprint is instructed to abort the current print. Note, that print jobs cannot be started with this plugin (so activating the lightbulb does not do anything).
Description of characteristics (available methods and how to build listener) can be found here. Characteristics hava a setValue() and a getValue() method.
Overview of all available characteristics and services can be found here.
When adding characteristics:
- getCharacteristic: Searches for characteristic in service and returns it. If non existent but optional -> create one and return it
- setCharacteristic: getCharacteristic + setValue()
To start the plugin in developer mode run homebridge -D -P . -U ~/.homebridge-dev/
while beeing in the root directory. A sample config has to be saved at ~/.homebridge-dev/