Follow these steps to install the application:
- Edit your 'Homestead.yaml' and the the following:
- map: college.api to: /home/vagrant/WAF/MyLaravelProjects/CollegeApi/public
Also create the database in the Homestead.yaml file:- college_api
- Next, duplicate '.env.example' and name it '.env'
- Open .env and set the DB_DATABASE to the db you created in the Homestead file and set the username and password to the correct credentials
Then run vagrant reload --provision
to refresh the Homestead environment.
Add college.api to your hosts file.
In the Homestead environment, cd into the application folder and run the following:
composer install
npm install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan passport:install
Then migrate and seed the database:
php artisan migrate --seed
And then initialise, add, and commit to Git:
git init
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"
Set your own remote git repo and push your commits