To use this application you must first create the following database , grant permission and create the tables described below:
1 - Create a database called rideshare
create database rideshare;
use rideshare;
2 - Give permission to main admin user
grant all on rideshare.* to dbuser@localhost identified by "goodbyeWorld";
3- Create the tables:
create table users (
name varchar(50),
email varchar(100) primary key,
username varchar(60),
password varchar(60),
phone int,
address varchar(100),
avatar blob,
isdriver varchar(3),
carmodel varchar(30),
drivingexp int
create table drivers (
id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
email varchar(100),
origin varchar(100),
latitude_o double,
longitude_o double,
destination varchar(100),
latitude_d double,
longitude_d double,
start_time datetime,
end_time datetime,
size int
create table riders(
id int primary key AUTO_INCREMENT,
email varchar(100),
origin varchar(100),
destination varchar(100),
start_time datetime,driver int